Archived What the heck is a 4x4?

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Former Salesfloor TM
Jun 25, 2014
I've worked for spot for a year now and heard this countless times. A week ago, the LOD asked me when I came in sometime in the morning if I knew how to do 4x4s and I had to say "no" because I still don't even know what they are!

Also, are they the same for every store, or do they vary a bit?
In theory, a 4x4 combines super zoning with making sure sale signs and labels are accurate and present then filling out a sheet detailing anything of note higher-ups should know. You're pretty much making the aisles look fresh and shiny as best you can. In practice you either chat with coworkers, do a quick zone, toss some reshop into a convenient cart and go off your merry way, or spend ~30 minutes on your filling a vehicle with overstock, reshop, empty packages, then another 10+ minutes taking care of it all before getting back to your main role. Either way, later on somebody's getting shafted from the time spent on it.

That's how they go at my store as huddle projects at least. I'm not salesfloor so I don't know how/if they do them as part of their normal day.
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