Recent content by jumbo57

  1. J

    Infolink questions…

    Don't know about this particular one, but in other places that have something similar, it reports any collisions the equipment is in, and has a digital safety checklist to go through at start of shift. Probably provides other data like average speed, how much time equipment is in movement vs...
  2. J

    A1 vs B1

    A1. Four days off during week days. Makes errands easy. And don't have to spend gas money coming in on a fourth day.
  3. J

    is icqa a dying department?

    They probably figured out most of ICQA don't have a clue.
  4. J

    TSS role?

    Sit in a chair and enjoy the smell of their own farts.
  5. J

    What does a leadership team look like in a DC?

    General Manager < what it used to be called. Don't know now. Senior Operations Manager < One per department ( Inbound, Outbound, Warehouse, MBP/Packing, E&F) this may have changed. Operations Manager <(Two per key usually) may have changed. Lead Warehouse Worker <(Two per key usually) may...
  6. J

    Re-interviewing for backup

  7. J

    Re-interviewing for backup

    My point is they find mistakes and automatically put the blame on the last person in location. There are multiple scenarios where a location can be altered without a scan attached to it. There are multiple points throughout the warehouse where freight is touched by someone, but there is no...
  8. J

    Re-interviewing for backup

    My point is they find mistakes and automatically put the blame on the last person in location. There are multiple scenarios where a location can be altered without a scan attached to it. There are multiple points throughout the warehouse where freight is touched by someone, but there is no...
  9. J

    Re-interviewing for backup

    Most ICQA people suck. Zero clue what they're doing. Never picked FPP, never spent any time doing puts, a lot have zero CA time. No clue what a WHS worker does day to day. Happy to ding people in their reports, though. All while never having spent any significant time in the job. ICQA was a...
  10. J

    What is your CPH goal?

    BTDT. No longer work for Target. I only hang around here to see what bs Big Red is pushing next. Gives me a heads up if I ever decide to return 😄
  11. J

    What is your CPH goal?

    lol. With team members like you, no wonder a lot of DCs are a mess. Now you have an empty location that still shows product. Which more labels will eventually drop for. At the very least, take the remaining few cartons and MNP them into an extra small location. What other things do you half...
  12. J

    What is your CPH goal?

    CA was 185/hr when I started about ten years ago. Moved up to 200/hr at some point. Freight used to be more dense when picking two batch dates and it wasn't hard to make production. At some point it increased to 200/hr and picking clean. Which can be difficult when picking only one batch date...
  13. J

    Any other Dcs in mandatory flex down?

    Schedule downs happen occasionally. Once every four-five years it seems. Don't worry, your hours will be back, unless the economy takes an absolute nosedive into a full blown depression.
  14. J


    Used to be teams of 20-30 people with one OM and a midshift. No TL or any of the other 5 million merit positions they have now. Moved the same amount or more freight with fewer people. And the DC was in better condition quality/cleanliness wise.