Recent content by lakerlarry

  1. L

    Archived New to this site. Also a new TL

    I'm expecting somewhere in hardlines, or electronics down the road(also, hoping)
  2. L

    Archived New to this site. Also a new TL

    Been electronics. But since I'm on the bench, im just waiting to see where I'll be leading. How about yourself?
  3. L

    Archived New to this site. Also a new TL

    Hey everyone! New here. Been working at spot since last November. Started as seasonal, just got a TL bench position
  4. L

    Archived Team Lead interview coming up!

    Also, be ready for the "Give me a time" questions. Provide examples when you've given a guest an experience that was amazing, or a time when you had a deadline to meet, and how you handled the situation. Things of that nature. Good luck!