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  1. H


    Some how that doesn't strike me as a one & done...
  2. H

    Acknowledging RDC

    We acknowledge once the truck is unloaded. Everything should be findable at that point for Fulfillment and helps with Priority %s.
  3. H

    Can I get into trouble for not reporting a conflict of interest?

    Yeah, I read this & was like, I know I've read this same exact thing before.
  4. H

    What would be the best way to try to go about getting rehired?

    Yes, work for a company where you're pretty much guaranteed to need government assistance because they pay so little.
  5. H

    When will the Cash only SCO option be available for all stores?

    Most of our SCO's are card only because the change machine keeps breaking the SCO's.
  6. H

    Grocery Pulls

    Yeah, overall time will be lower. We use the 200/hour for departments like Dry Grocery, Tech, OTC, HBA mostly. Aisles in light duty that are quick to pull (and only for pull speed, not push/backstock). We're obviously not held to that standard for someone pulling bulk, or something with a high...
  7. H

    Grocery Pulls

    IIRC, the goal is 200 dpci per hour, which should be easily obtainable if you're in dry grocery. This should change if your eaches are really high. Our pullers usually generate anywhere from 100-300 dpci/hour, depending on what they're pulling.
  8. H

    COVID ?

    Ours do. It might not be immediately on return, but you do get spoken to about the absence/late/etc. within a week or so. They have a binder that has all current attendance infractions that require a conversation and entered into Workday. If they take too long, they get a PIP.
  9. H

    COVID ?

    Doctor's note really isn't worth much (maybe for pity if you have a history of attendance issues) as you're still held accountable for the shifts missed. If you use sick hours, the Doctor's note is essentially worthless.
  10. H

    Are you having problems scanning with the new TC58 Zebras

    Having used 56, 57 & 58, issues persist across all the devices, but the 58 is much nicer to work with and the scan range is miles better. If my 58 stops scanning, I just hit the first tab on the left (home page), then go back to scan and it works. I think most issues are due to MyDay itself...
  11. H

    handbook question

    Ask your leader or HR.
  12. H

    Rehire eligible?

    If you were hired with open availability as a seasonal, and you lock it off after that short a time, it probably won't be a good thing for your rehireability. My advice would be to have a talk with your leaders and explain your situation & go from there.
  13. H

    Will I get fired for this?

    Ehh, it's called checking in with someone who may have more up to date information on where items are located than you do. If we run out of space where an item is normally located and have to temporarily store it somewhere else, leaders & captains get notified where the item can be found. You...
  14. H

    Will I get fired for this?

    ASANTS. Our store has TM's check in with either Captains, or Leaders to INF an item. We were top in INF % for our group last we checked, and near the top for most Fulfillment related metrics. It works for us, may not work for you.
  15. H

    Will I get fired for this?

    Someone received the trailer then without it being unloaded. Still, that's no reason to INF something without at least consulting a leader first. Going rogue is a sure fire way to get written up or a CA depending how good of an employee you are.
  16. H

    Priority Pull Percentages

    Something we've been discussing and wanted to see if anyone else has similar results, or if its just confirmation bias. At night, when we've been taking trucks, the leads have been receiving trucks once they've been emptied. The Priorities will drop as a result (% remains the same after...
  17. H

    How to turn off drive-up alerts on the myDevice?

    I use the new devices, it definitely disables them when you reprocess. Thanks for the info though.
  18. H

    How to turn off drive-up alerts on the myDevice?

    I would assume just opening the Pickup app would log them in and start getting alerts again. I know I've turned them off, gone home and came back the next night, got the same device, and they were back on again.
  19. H

    How to turn off drive-up alerts on the myDevice?

    TEP agent, 2nd tab on bottom, scroll down to Pickup, select it, and click Reprocess at top.
  20. H

    Priority Pull Percentages

    The percentage will shoot up once you enter a batch that will affect it if completed. If it isn't completed, the percentage goes back down. Only thing I can think of that might cause it off the top of my head.