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  1. T

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    I hate when guests reach over the counter and grab the bag before I hand them to them I feel slapping their hand ( I know a bit dramatic) and then putting their bag on the counter.
  2. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one team member I get it that you hate target and you hate cafe but when you basically abandon your job you have to have others clean up your mess and have others fill in for you. You have been with us for two years could've of it been that bad you couldn't of stuck it out two weeks??
  3. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one team member I know you dislike me but that does not mean go out of your way and act like you are better than me and please treat me like a human being.
  4. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Nice try though lol They aren't target brand. they are Levi jeans ( not denizen) and she's wearing them because she feels like it she does it because she can:) She also wears a off grey sweatpants it's just what she does..
  5. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Oh okay maybe it was a rumor I heard.. The team member wore jeans again ( obviously say nothing because she's still wearing them) I guess it helps when you are also a TL but still ( rules are rules right?) I'll just keep my mouth shut that's the best policy:-) Keep on walking ..
  6. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one Team Member.. Funny didn't recall us being wal-mart( I think they wear jeans) it's amazing how certain team members it by with things.. First off it isn't denim week ( that's coming next month I think) and second of all you can't wear jeans period ( khaki ok) but denim c'mon.. I...
  7. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one Team Member no one likes snitches....... My TL said it was okay I went to the break room for a few minutes because my head was pounding so I flipped off my light and then she said what are you doing and I said I'm going to the break room for a few to sit I got a throbbing headache...
  8. T

    To that one guest

    To that one guest- The caroline's cart is for people that are disabled not putting your child in it and your pile of clothes or people who ride them thinking they are being funny.......... We got them a month ago and no one uses the cart for it's intended purpose which irks me even more and no...
  9. T

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    Guests who reach over the counter and grab the bags taking them off the rack and sometimes I am like I am not finished bagging that........ Seriously rude much? Another good one is green planet I get you are saving the earth ( hey I am recycle too and reuse bags) but when I start bagging the...
  10. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    Yep in my neck of the woods lunches are 30 minutes and like I said if I did something like that yell yell yell something like you know you are late but this TM literally gets by with everything. She walks off lane whenever she wants ( guests will be coming) she says sorry I am I am closed and...
  11. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    To that one TM why do you get by with so much stuff?? You can parade around in short skirts so short and ETLS literally say nothing but if I did something like that I would be pulled in the office so fast my head would spin and you take 4o minute lunches again nothing but again if I did that I...
  12. T

    Archived cashier problems

    I hate it when people pull out their cartwheel at the very,very last minute and start scanning and I am thinking here we go.......Adios speed score!
  13. T

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    ...break time and the team lead also happened to be there too and she happened to be in the back grabbing reshop and mumbled I can't deal with this **** seriously I know it isn't her break but she is doubling over in pain and she could have some sympathy ( there weren't any guests in the fitting...
  14. T

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    I always freak out when kids are standing in the carts or leaning over in the carts ( not strapped in) being the nervous wreck I am I gently say please sit down I'll give you a sticker!! I know the parents might get mad but it's better than them falling down and getting injured. I used to say...
  15. T

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    I hate when guests kids play on the cash registers ( next register) oooh isn't it so adorable!!! They play with the keys while the parents are A- Chatting on the phone B- Talking to another parent C- Not paying attention When the parents finally get a clue they say oh so sorrry!!!!! ( mumbling...
  16. T

    To that one guest

    LOL I like that one. One time I had a guest slam the soft drinks down on the belt because I told him he had to get them out out he was really mad. Or I get the ones who flat out refuse and say come over and scan it yourself........ Really nice. It's really nice when you have been literally...
  17. T

    To that one guest

    To that one guest yes you have to bring out the powerade I know it is such a hassle!!! They are different flavors,,,,,,,, You mean you have to scan each one?? Yes. Again I know it's such a hassle!
  18. T

    Archived When were YOU rude?

    I have had a guests flat out tell me I was rude once ( reallly me??) I just nodded and said okay. I forget what it was about but it was probably coupon scamming lol
  19. T

    Archived Dumb questions from Guests......really..... you have to ask?

    You can't purchase drinks or icees at my target at the lanes I'm confused..
  20. T

    Archived Dumb questions from Guests......really..... you have to ask?

    Guests who ask can I have a Icee?? Ummmm do you see any Icee cups at my register??? Guests who say where is the bathroom or where is the ATM ( sign is huge and they miss it)