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  1. Shadows6661

    Possibly coming back to Target

    Hey so I left about 2 1/2 years ago and it looks like I may be coming back. I‘m moving back to a different state and my current job transfer didn’t work out so I decided to give spot another try(I was at Target for 5 years) the cool thing is this new store even offered to give me my old position...
  2. Shadows6661

    Coming back to Target

    Hiya everyone! Well it’s been about 2 1/2 years since I last worked at Spot. I didn’t leave on the best of terms but I enjoyed my 5 years there. I’m moving back to a different state and things haven’t gone the way I wanted with my current job so I thought I’d give It a go at spot again. I have...
  3. Shadows6661

    Archived Is it worth coming back?

    So I left Target last year (early 2017) Spot and I didn't end on good terms but I truly enjoyed my 5 years with the company. I recently got a call for a TL position and I was wondering if it was worth going back? How have things changed within the last year with spot? Any tips for my upcoming...
  4. Shadows6661

    Archived What to expect first day as Cashier?

    Hello everyone! So earlier today I got a call that tomorrow and they said that I'm going to start in the morning for training as a cashier so I can be ready for the up coming week. I just want to know what should I expect tomorrow like what will I be doing etc.. Thanks in advance!
  5. Shadows6661

    Archived New to Target!

    Hello everyone! I had orientation today and I will be starting training soon as a cashier. So far I'm liking it and I can't wait to start soon!