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    circle 360 + circle card (RIP RedCard)

    I didn't see anything specific in the training about the debit cards, but as far as I'm aware, both the credit card and the debit card will be rebranded as Circle Cards. So it will just be the Circle Credit Card and the Circle Debit Card, with Circle taking the place of Red
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    circle 360 + circle card (RIP RedCard)

    I already have to explain the difference between Target Circle and the RedCard. I can't wait to see how it gets over-complicated now that we're calling it the 'Circle Card'.
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    Outage 1/5/2023

    I'm off of work today, what's happening? Systems going down is what it sounds like??
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    Anyone know what kinda training this is?

    I had this training and I've never helped fulfillment or been asked if I wanted to learn it
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    Lifting After Surgery

    I had surgery on my hip and took as much of a leave as I could to allow myself time to heal. I've been back for a little bit, but I still have many restrictions, including being able to sit/stand/walk as needed and similar restrictions on kneeling, bending, twisting, stairs, etc. Because I work...
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    HELP!!!! Need answers about paid time off for medical

    It's been about 11 days since they got all of my paperwork in and I'm still waiting to hear back from them regarding my leave that starts in a couple of weeks. The covid cases have definitely backed them up and there is a note about it on their site. Hopefully soon! Best wishes with your...
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    This!! I've only been at spot for a year, but there are people that have been there for 5-10 years and we all make basically the same? That's not right. I assume these people worked hard and should be paid their dues. Just as I feel that people coming in /now/ shouldn't be making exactly what I...
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    I WISH that my TL would do his job rather than stand around and "observe" I WISH that TMs with attitude problems would find somewhere else to work I WISH that people I worked with cared about doing a good job as much as I do
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    COVID-19 Any employees test positive for COVID-19?

    Does anyone know if Spot will pay you for missed work if you're under mandatory quarantine without a positive test?
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    COVID-19 Any employees test positive for COVID-19?

    We've had about 4 or 5 cases in our store in the last two weeks.
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    Change shortage

    yeah, ours has been suffering for a month and half or so. we've made SCO card only (though we still allow cash back) and the registers allow cash transactions as usual. sometimes we've had to adjust change back (giving a nickel instead of .03) and many people have been kind enough to tell us to...
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    Minimum order for an OPU and/or Drive Up

    I don't care how big or how small the order is, as long as they tell me they're coming before they're actually at the store
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    Guest service hanging style quarantine returns

    If I'm busy at GS, I throw everything into a 3 tier and when it slows down, even for a couple of minutes, I'm working on folding things up. When the 3 tier gets full, we call the style team to come get everything and they'll sort it from there
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    Drive up TMs

    We refuse and if they insist, we will take it and it gets turned into "rewards" for the store
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    COVID-19 Coronavirus LOA options?

    I spoke to my HR because of a similar reason. We can do an unpaid personal LOA, but that's about it.
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    I'm Lost! Do you have to go in for a verbal?

    Agreed. Just show up
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    I'm Lost! LOA scheduling questions

    Talk to your ETL first. If the LOA was approved, that's on them to sort out. It wouldn't hurt to check with some coworkers to see if anyone else is available to take your shift, though. I've heard that you should call the store to let them know when you're returning two weeks prior to your...
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    w2 questions???

    We just mailed ours out today
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    I'm Lost! Trouble with KronosMobile

    I've heard that this happens after people have had to take an LOA. Almost like your TM # has been "suspended" until you get back.
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    I'm Lost! Front of the store attendant

    Front of Store is ultimately something that 95% of people will be asked to if they're working the front end. It comes with the territory and while it sucks, it's necessary to keep the flow going.