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  1. J

    Archived TL interviews next month

    There is a way to get the exact interview guides that are used, I printed them off and prepped with my friend when she was about to go through her bench interviews and she said they were the exact questions we had worked on that she was asked. The STL gave her the questions the day before her...
  2. J

    Archived Tl Bench Date

    Thanks Commie and Retail! Yeah I had a meeting with my ETL who oversaw my development and she actually told me that she knows it was shitty and that once this all settles in there may be opps at other stores who may have started closer to headcount before this all went down. This site is really...
  3. J

    Archived Tl Bench Date

    Thanks Hardlinesmaster, I have always appreciated your words and insight. I am sure that my story is quite a common one across the country today as AE 14 went official at most stores. I do quite enjoy my work at Target and this website has taught me so much more than even some of the leadership...
  4. J

    Archived Bench interview questions

    Thanks Commie! I just passed along your info and also I told my friend to be honest with her answer, tie it to a policy she maybe doesn't like, and then end it with saying that she understands though that the rules are there for a reason and that is to keep the company profitable and to bring...
  5. J

    Archived Tl Bench Date

    Thanks Headlines! Just really excited because all my mocks went very well I was told and now just waiting to see when they will be able to get an interview with our DTL scheduled.
  6. J

    Archived Bench interview questions

    Hi all, a good friend of mine has their bench interview today and she is stuck on one of the questions she is prepping for:Tell me about a policy you don't agree with. What exactly are they looking to see out of this question? Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  7. J

    Archived Tl Bench Date

    Hi there, does anyone know if there are set dates for TL bench interviews or if they say I'm ready then can I interview at any time? My ETL-HR said she emailed the person in charge of scheduling bench interviews but it's been 2 weeks and no answer yet. I'll probably miss 4th quarter interviews...
  8. J

    Archived Leadership Status for TM in development advice

    Thanks guys! ElectronicsFastService, that is a great way to continue to follow up! I just started roleplaying with the team today in face on some of our struggling categories and the team has been also starting to sell some perfect packages and getting excited! We have utilized many of our NOP...
  9. J

    Archived Leadership Status for TM in development advice

    Hi all! So glad to have this site as a resource and I visit often. My questions today center around me seeking advice for training tms on selling attachments, I made it one of my 2 activities for my leadership status that my ETL had me make and she has tasked me with training and building...
  10. J

    Archived Leadership Expectations

    This website has been such an amazing resource for me and now for my development aspirations. Thank you guys for your help and feedback! I really do appreciate it greatly!!
  11. J

    Archived Leadership Expectations

    Hi everyone! I was wondering if there is someone who has a list of the leadership expectations as I've just started shooting for the tl bench in my district with the support of my hardlines TL and I want to go in knowing my wins and opps. I used to have a copy when I was first asked by my TL if...
  12. J

    Archived Interviewing/transfering from tm to team lead questions

    Thanks Formina and Rock!! It's a process and I totally understand that its definitely not the kinda thing that just happens overnight.
  13. J

    Archived Interviewing/transfering from tm to team lead questions

    Thanks Rock!! You always have the information I'm looking for! My current STL said she wants me to ask my current ETL to challenge me in leadership because she does see potential. Can one be sent to TL interviews and approved pending when a position opens up at their current store? Also if I...
  14. J

    Archived Interviewing/transfering from tm to team lead questions

    Hi all, I'm just hoping to be able to pick a few brains and gain some insight/advice on becoming a team lead. My current situation is as an electronics tm in a ULV store. I'm on good terms with many of my ETLs and also good with our DTL. I'm wondering if there are no current team lead openings...