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  1. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    Usually it's not a question of desire, but of necessity. I was shopping once with my older son, who was maybe 4 at the time. He'd never been prone to tantrums, thank god, but this one poor woman was clearly doing Bataan Death Shopping with a screaming kid in her cart and all I could think was...
  2. IWishIKnew

    To that one Team Member - II

    Agreed. Get a pack of gum at SCO like a civilized person.
  3. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG: It is many layers of inappropriate for you, a white dude, on Christmas Eve, to hold up our clearly Muslim Somali teenage SCO TM to proselytize to her for many minutes, ending by having the nerve to 'invite' her to your Bible study with 'no pressure'. Seriously, fuck right the fuck off...
  4. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    If I sent either of my children to order anything other than a soda I would consider myself lucky if it was even in the same genre of drink. Actually, that's only the older child. Younger has a memory like a steel trap and would be fine, but he's shy and wouldn't do it anyway, so. I also...
  5. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    My shorthand for a Shipt shopper.
  6. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    That would drive me bananas. Dude. YOU get paid to shop for people. I don't. Do. Your. Fucking. Job. The Shipters at my store scare me because they don't do that kind of shit--if they're asking me a question it's because they've done everything they can to find the item. If we're lucky it's in...
  7. IWishIKnew

    Can AP ask anyone for a merchandise receipt?

    I guess I'm not sure about policy, but there's no reason legally why AP or any TM couldn't ask anyone for a receipt (unless they were, say, always asking all the black people in the store for receipts and nobody else).
  8. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    Guests manage to find the outlets in my store; I don't know how they do it. It's not like there are many of them and the store is huge, yet tripping over a pack of teenagers huddled around the base of a display or post happens all the damn time.
  9. IWishIKnew

    An extreme case of bathroom rage from a guest

    I'm guessing that store is one with issues of drug use in restrooms and, quite frankly, from his behavior I would pretty much assume that guest is part of why your restrooms are locked. Sucks. I'm sorry that happened to you!
  10. IWishIKnew

    To that one Team Member - II

    Yeah, except the SD generally has a lot of other responsibilities they may need to respond to which doesn't allow them to always finish the work they start. I imagine most would rather finish that POG than deal with vendors, corporate, other stores, theft, medical emergencies, bitchy guests...
  11. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    My state hasn't legalized smoked weed, and yet there are always guests that straight up reek of it. TMs, too, TBH.
  12. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    The one I came across the most was people taking the more expensive Casaluna pillows and putting them in the $4 RE pillow bag. Those used to piss me off the most because I only saw it after modernization, when I'd have to spend a good chunk of my shift in the back instead of back and forth...
  13. IWishIKnew

    To that one Team Member - II

    They're burnt out and they need to find a new job. It has nothing to do with you, really. Assuming, of course the "lately" means such behavior is relatively new. If they've always been like this, they're just an asshole.
  14. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG who pitched a fit because he came to the store and found drive up unavailable WHILE THE STORE WAS UNDER A TORNADO WARNING: Fuck off.
  15. IWishIKnew

    To that one Team Member - II

    Yeah, my thoughts about backup was always along the lines of "the backup problem will solve itself the longer you keep the sales floor on registers."
  16. IWishIKnew

    To that one Team Member - II

    Oh, yeah, here, too. And no, TMs, you're not fooling anyone when you put your phone on top of your zebra or hold one in each and try to pretend you're doing something on your device. FFS. And it is super annoying to have to dodge people sitting or standing around on their phones when I'm trying...
  17. IWishIKnew

    To that one Team Member - II

    I complain when they do that. Or when they call for backup when there are 6 people from drive up huddled back in GS staring at their phones or gossiping next to the training register.
  18. IWishIKnew

    To That One Guest - II

    TTOG/TMFAS*: Thank you so much for communing with me over espresso machines for far longer than necessary after hearing the call for backup over my walkie. If your store was anywhere close to anywhere I actually go, I'd come by and find a way to leave you an awesome guest comment and/or do the...
  19. IWishIKnew

    To that one Team Member - II

    TTOGSTM: I could understand not recognizing the plastic storage tubs you took in return aren't a style that's carried in the store, but I would have thought that when two tubs turned up a $113 for the return that *might* have given you a little bit of pause. Enough to at least check the...
  20. IWishIKnew

    I’m clocked out

    Really? At my store it's the opposite. We used to put the packages in a box behind guest service with the aisle found on them (that nobody ever did). Now we're expected to log them ourselves.