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  1. xNightStockerx

    22 years and still breathing

    Wow... Congratulations. I only lasted about 9 years. I guess it depends in what department you are in. I was over night. It's like a meat grinder. I could not take it any more... and for other reasons as well though.
  2. xNightStockerx

    Orientation Tomorrow! But….

    First off.. Welcome Second.. Target does not communicate. You will soon realize more and more. For your schedule go by the paper one posted. It's probably near the time clock. It's the official one.
  3. xNightStockerx

    I just got COMPLETELY screwed over by HR and my store. Holy crap. I think I'm gonna lose it

    I learned my lesson years ago about this. Even though you request it and probably deserve it it will get auto denied unless you actually tell your TL. So every time I request and than tell my TL. This is ridiculous but what more can I expect
  4. xNightStockerx

    2021 Team Member Reviews

    I just had my review and my TL told me about the bonus. If I remember right you need to get nominated. And that happens if you have no call offs, don't be late. Stuff like that.
  5. xNightStockerx

    Least favorite department to push in?

    For me it's housewares. It would not be so bad at all if it wasn't for all the styrofoam and everything wrapped in plastic. Takes so much longer to go through all the cases.
  6. xNightStockerx

    Requesting vacation

    Make sure and tell your TL or it could get auto denied.
  7. xNightStockerx

    COVID-19 Covid Cases Rising

    Seems like I get a text every day about new cases. Went to work last night and a team member was hacking away a cough. Not sure why he went to work.
  8. xNightStockerx

    How can I check my schedule from home using a laptop?

    Welcome to Target life. Target only cares about Target.
  9. xNightStockerx

    How can I check my schedule from home using a laptop? Just be careful. The official schedule is the one posted at the store. So go by that one.
  10. xNightStockerx

    COVID-19 Coronavirus...

    I call BS. I have not scene any employee clean or disinfect anything. We are so short staffed as well. A few people have quit.
  11. xNightStockerx

    COVID-19 Coronavirus...

    Hello fellow germophobe 👍
  12. xNightStockerx

    Vacation not accepted but unpaid was?

    Happened to me. Went to HR and it was given to me on my next check.
  13. xNightStockerx

    Red vests

    We were told not to wear the red vest so I haven't scene vest in a long time stored anywhere . But a few people still wear them.
  14. xNightStockerx

    I'm Lost! What does the gm next to a shift in kronos mean?

    Could be. My friend is a check out advocate but also stocks sometimes and does re shop.
  15. xNightStockerx


    Usually 5am or 6am start time at my store.
  16. xNightStockerx

    Stuff stolen from locker

    Lockers are so easy to open. I personally don't use the lockers because of this. Isn't there cameras there? So a TL could look at the video?
  17. xNightStockerx

    am I blacklisted?

    There is no communication at Target. It takes alot of time and effort to get anything done. Right now there are no hours. TMs are getting days cut too. Don't take it personal.
  18. xNightStockerx

    HR Changing schedule without me knowing

    I'm not HR but my TL told me the paper schedule on the wall is the official one. That's what you go by.
  19. xNightStockerx

    Team lead and Etl altercations

    A couple of my TLs cuss. Never directly at me but at other TMs in jest. I mean doesn't really bother me to hear it. Doesn't seem to bother the TMs either. They just cuss back lol