time clock

  1. Dream Baby

    Prompt asking about breaks.

    So when I punched out today the timeclock asked whether I took my allotted breaks and/or lunch. Did Target get in trouble for this? What if I answered No not Yes?
  2. UboatOfDeath

    Timeclock oddities

    I've been working at target for 4.5 years, of those 4.5 years that I've been here my boss or any of my shift leaders never explained certain things that could get you fired. Of those things, is the time clock. They only tell you don't hit your your 8th hour and you will be fine or don't hit...
  3. versionDefect

    Corporate Fix the damn timeclock

    Before remodeling we had this one timeclock machine. it was old, fat, loud, and barely working but I loved her. i could clock in legit within a second. After remodeling, we now have a touchscreen timeclock. Now I wouldn't mind this time clock if it wasn't fucking ASS It barley works. freezes...
  4. Amanda Cantwell

    New Timeclocks!

    Per workbench, new timeclocks rollout to all stores this month, starting this week. Check workbench for your store’s date/time (will take a few hours). Will be upgraded by a third party to a fancy new tablet based timeclock. it’s high time. The current timeclocks suck. And a tablet will allow...
  5. 15 Sec. Remain

    Archived How many time clocks do you have?

    Just curious if other stores have as many as we have. 3 total. 2 by Clerical, and 1 in the Backroom. 3 also in my old store. 1 by Clerical, 1 in the Backroom, and 1 by the Breakroom - Loved that freedom that chow time starts immediately when you clock out there.
  6. RandomTeamMember

    Archived Forgetting To End Meals...

    So I'm always forgetting to end my meals on the time clock when I'm taking my lunch... it has happened a few times now.. Shouldn I say anything to HR? Is it that big of a deal?
  7. S

    Archived How to use timeclock device

    I start training next week and was wondering how to use the timeclock mounted on the wall and also, How do i get my code and is this how i use the timeclock? i start work, i press start work and type in my code when lunch arrives, i go to the device and click start lunch and type in my code...
  8. C

    Archived Stairs and no disabled access

    Im just curious how many stores have stairs and no access or accomodations for disabled and injured. My store I swear was built in the stone age. The stairs are a nightmare and disabled tm jnable to use them to access tmsc pretty much take their breaks and lunch in their car or in the bathroom...
  9. A

    Archived Missing punch?

    Hey guys. When I clocked in today, I noticed that I had a missing punch. The time clock was acting funky yesterday when I was clocking back in from my meal. I wasn't sure if my punch had been accepted so to be sure, I clocked back in again. I spoke to HR about this today, and they told me...
  10. BeelzeBecky

    Archived Investigating my hours vs. pay

    A few weeks ago I was supposed to do a punch correction and simply forgot. I did the correction after payroll was sent in. I'm not sure I got paid for those hours. How do I find out what my time card shows? Is there a way to print out all the punches I've made on the time clock? I need to...
  11. B

    Archived Can they do this?

    Are TL/SrTL/ETL/STLs allowed to make someone clock back in after they've already clocked off?