Be safe out there!

Mar 5, 2021
wowza. This winter so far has been something else! And we all know by now, distribution doesnt shut down operations for weather. Call ins out of control, managers giving some TM a pass, yet others are taking hits for not reporting. And those that do brave the elements to show up? No recognition or even acknowledgement, beyond being expected to cover for everyone else that didn’t even bother to try to come in. Basically, it’s a big FU to those that are coming to work, while rewarding those that can’t/won’t. . So more of the same of what happens when raises and promotions are given. But I guess it’s my own fault for living in what is quickly becoming blizzard central, as opposed to western/southern states with milder climates.
As long as you mentioned something about safety in the call-in description, it was waved.
Definitely not a great deal for those that came in but at least you got the holiday pay.