Cash office application access

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Beauty TM
Sep 29, 2017
Can anyone tell me WHICH access I need to request for cash office people? I finally figured out where (thanks for not having this info anywhere workbench) and submitted for two people, but I'm not sure if I picked the right thing. I just looked at my own access and I don't see anything cash office so that doesn't help. I know this might be a security thing so like even some hints would be A+. I need to submit another request and the ones I submitted yesterday haven't been approved (I included the note "is this the right thing???" so I'm still not sure they're right.

edit: oh okay the STL approves requests so that'd be why, our interim STL isn't in today, hopefully the requests get routed to him, I still have no idea if I'm picking the right one, it's um... entity key ********, am I allowed to say that
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Unfortunately, since this information is fairly sensitive and may be considered Intellectual Property by Target - I can't allow you to ask, or post advice about this on here. I apologize in advance.
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