Pride collection

Sure they are, they are all straight and then depending on their environment they develop into either straight or gay.

So the sexuality of animals are determined by their environment. Interesting. I didn't know their environment can be changed that much.
I was afraid this might happen.
If you want to talk about the Pride Collection at Target then post it here.

For all the other stuff, lets move it to the political thread or start a new one in Off The Clock.
Otherwise I will have to lock this.
Nothing wrong with Walmart groceries, they have a big selection. Buy your Great Value spicy brown mustard then wander over to Sporting Goods and pick up a pack of trout hooks, some cleaning patches and a box or two of 22s and some 12 ga dove loads. One stop shopping.
I'm not going to get into a back and forth argument with anyone, but I'm just going to say how I personally feel.

I've always thought that if someone is living their life in a way that brings them happiness and joy, I have no right to judge them as long as they're not hurting anybody. It's none of my business, and if you get bothered by a t shirt, I think you have your priorities messed up in life.

That's all I'm going to say.
I've known many people whose choice was to either stay in the closet terrified that someone might 'out' them or suffer the consequences for who they loved: loss of family/friends, danger of losing their life (friend's brother was murdered), losing their job (after being outed), being denigrated by absolute strangers while acquaintances looked away.
No one would 'choose' such abuse if sexuality were merely a 'choice'.
A lady at church (whose daughter came out as gay) heard about the difficulties of one of my boys who is severely disabled. She said 'at least he's not GAY'.
Plus it's hard enough for young people to deal with on-line bullying without them telling you to kill yourself because you're gay while your parents are trying to force you into 'conversion' therapy.
One friend told me he celebrated Gay Pride because he was alive for another year.
If you don't want to see it, turn away.
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So when is this collection dropping

awwww Huney, what’s the point if no one knows about it, and it’s not in everyones face 🙄, they should totally like do it up, bigly.
It’s officially American Pride Month, Planos I’m sorry if you have to deal with anyone that Isn’t inclusive to you or us in the heterosexual community. That’s not inclusive of them. Bigotry should not be a thing unfortunately but sadly it’s still common towards heterosexuals. Stand strong brother!