Archived Seasonal ended store has hiring sign outside

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Nov 27, 2014
my store seasonal ended yesterday and yet they have a we re hiring sign and small update i applied to a super target and it didnt stop me in the middle of the application yet before my seasonal ended i applied in ehr this was weird
I don't understand the second part of your post.

But for the first part, we always have a hiring sign next to the outside doors. I have no idea if this is laziness, corporate policy, or the fact that hiring needs change on a biweekly basis so we may as well just leave the sign up because it will be correct as often as it isn't.

Please, for the love of God, use some punctuation (and if you're feeling really crazy some capital letters). It would really help us reply to your posts.
Please, for the love of God, use some punctuation (and if you're feeling really crazy some capital letters). It would really help us reply to your posts.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't GAS, but yes... post like a Grown Adult.
Ditto on the make posts that can be understood, please.

As to the sign, it's possible that the signing ninja hasn't had a chance to take it down.
Target is always taking applications. And may do some initial interviews. But hirings will be slow till the summer time.
My seasonal employment ended yesterday but the store still has a hiring sign. I applied to a super target but the application didn't stop me even though I was still employed at my other store. I found this a little weird.
Fixed. No one here can stand the grammatical errors in your posts. I know I'm just gonna ignore any more posts from you with the same grammar, can't speak for other more sympathetic people on here.
I just hired four cashiers this week. So tired of the endless interviews.

Weird, we didn't get rid of many seasonals I don't think, but we sure aren't looking to hire more now. We do however desperately need people for Food Ave.
My store just put up a huge sign in front saying we're hiring. We're pretty flush on cashiers and sales floor tms it's the early morning logistics positions that still are unfilled. Doesn't bother me i'm still getting good hours because of it.
Was sent a new "Now Hiring" sign with the after holidays hours package. I asked HR if I shoukd put it up since they made me take the other one down but no answer so now it sits by my desk sad and unused.
Was sent a new "Now Hiring" sign with the after holidays hours package. I asked HR if I shoukd put it up since they made me take the other one down but no answer so now it sits by my desk sad and unused.
Our signing ninja put ours up because corporate said to. The next day our HRTM saw them and took them down, asked the signing ninja if they were expensive, and when she said no, the HRTM threw them out and said she would let them know when to reorder them.
i got the cart attendant job at the super target but the etl mentioned there could be a grace period between my old and new location
i got the cart attendant job at the super target but the etl mentioned there could be a grace period between my old and new location

Both on the new job and on writing a legible sentence.
/me is not a Grammar Nazi.
We've just been trying to get wally to communicate better for a while now and I was saying that this was an improvement.
We go through TMs like toilet paper. Our interview process is a revolving door always hiring at my store.
My store is hiring a flow team member just to break down boxes and put in the baler and clean up the trash that is always left on the floor in the back room. TLs are tired of cleaning up after lazy TMs.

$9 an hour to clean up after people too lazy to finish their job properly.
Nazi? Who did anyone kill here? Seriously, the term grammar nazi makes zero sense against the backdrop of what the real nazis actually did.

Hate the term myself.
Unfortunately it's become so deeply entrenched in internet usage it's a losing battle to stop the usage.
As long as people don't include the swastika or mentions of death camps in the same sentence, I grit my teeth and do my best not to be annoyed.
We just hired a new flow team member a couple weeks ago. However, she wasn't allowed to start work until this week. They said they didn't have the hours for her to start any sooner
Man, I once got lynched by a grammar nazi. They be straight trippin' yo.​
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