Archived Anyone else hate vendors?

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Jul 27, 2016
Some of them are cool, really friendly and dont get in your way. I was stocking some candy when a chocolate vendor (I'll let your imagination run wild) pushed my cart out of her way and didn't say one word to me other than who she was. Thats cool you can move that. I wont be buying your candy.
We had one who would strip set side caps and shove her product on them. Taking what she pulled off the side caps and dumping it on random tubs in the back room or the salesfloor. She was escorted out one day and trespassed after caught her video doing that. These were not her end caps but set end caps. I still remember scanning for some light bulbs on one and coming over to push said light bulbs and there were all these wet ones wipes.. All the labels everything Pog label all gone.. Wet One wipes.. So I pulled them off and put out the light bulbs and went to print the labels back up when I came back so were the wet ones..

Next worst are beer and wine vendors, No you can't bring in an extra pallet, it wasn't on the manifest that our Market TL signed in the book so it stays on the truck. They wouldn't take down any of their product when told to, then throw shit fits when we do it. But they lose their shit when we refuse their foolishness of over ordering.. We sit back and laugh now.

Coke/pepsi just annoying - close doors you idiots.

Then there was one vendor who we booted for wearing flip flops and thinking she was going to pull shit out of our backroom.. Nope! Go get some real shoes and come back and close the fucking door you lazy bitch..

The stinky perfume trails bitch.. No I won't talk to you cause you causing my eyeliner to run three valley's over you fucking reek like a cheap hooker!

We miss our Frito Lay vendor - dude knew his shit worked clean and knew how to stock.. The new guy is a lazy fuck who thinks its perfectly fine to leave boxes on the floor after we open and over order.. But leave the check lanes empty? Get out and give us old guy back!
I had almost trespassed a vendor today for getting way too close to some TM's. Guy bailed pretty quick when he saw two TPS's on the floor lol. Needless to say his supervisors got a phone call from some not so happy leadership.
Our Frito person is horrible. Parks in the dock, unloads and leaves to pack out without moving the truck first. Get back here and move your truck, we have Coke and Pepsi waiting. Also, in our area, Canada Dry hires idiots for their drivers.
pushed my cart out of her way and didn't say one word to me other than who she was.
I'd say "good for you."

Our Frito person is horrible. Parks in the dock, unloads and leaves to pack out without moving the truck first. Get back here and move your truck,
Lol our Frito person isn't even allowed to use the dock and he manages just fine.
Omg, our Coke guys drive me nuts. They never shut the backroom door and don't have the courtesy to break down their cardboard.
Our Pepsi dude is pretty awesome. Very friendly, doesn't play with his phone the whole time, and doesn't leave a mess.
However we had this one alcohol vendor that had some serious creeper vibes going on. Even the ETLs thought he was weird. I haven't seen him in forever though
I despise vendors. The sales reps get paid based on how much product they bring into a store. There is no incentive to care about what actually sells, just to cram in as much as they can get away with and attempt to bribe TLs and ETLs for more.
I only hate mine because they box us in full of their shit when SFS needs to be able to move all our pallets to the dock. Constantly fighting with them and getting the Backroom TL/Recievers to dead with it all.
Omg, our Coke guys drive me nuts. They never shut the backroom door and don't have the courtesy to break down their cardboard.
What cardboard does Coke have? All I can think of is Powerade and that doesn't really need to be broken down.
I had one that yelled at my receiver for not being in receiving when he came...he's lucky I wasn't there that day. Threw a hissy fit at a TL and everything.
We had one in my former store that we had to trespass because he was hitting on a sixteen year old TM (and he was like, 40 at least). When me and another TPS went out on the floor to find him, he actually managed to sneak out of the store by James Bond-style running and hiding behind stuff to avoid us. Our ETL-AP had a talk with his employer and he was banned from coming back to our store.
Most of our vendors aren't too bad. Our coke vendor when I first met her I thought was a condescending bitch (and we kept getting in each other way), but we've warmed up to each other since.

I love our greeting card vendor though. Sweet little thing and we'll constantly talk with each other in passing.
I despise vendors. The sales reps get paid based on how much product they bring into a store. There is no incentive to care about what actually sells, just to cram in as much as they can get away with and attempt to bribe TLs and ETLs for more.

Why ours are locked down so tight. Not on the signed manifest by the market TL, not getting in the building. Period. We got bit once bad by a box of rocks ETL not ever happening again.
I work front end so I don't really have to deal with too many vendors. There's one who works jewelry and giftcards who I have a minor crush on. We had a Kellogg's vendor set up an endcap on our checklanes for pumpkin ceral bars and damn, that girl was definitely putting the "nut" in Nutrigrain.

Our Excell vendor probably hates us and lectures our GSA on duty every week or two about card wall never being pushed when he comes in. I can't hate that guy because I don't blame him for his frustration one bit.
Most of them cool but they tend to be on the lazy side when nobody's around. This one guy was on his phone before I went on break and he was still on his phone in the same spot when I got back from lunch hours later.
I don't interact with the vendors that often, but most of them seem ok. A couple of them don't break down their boxes and the Pepsi guy keeps leaving his pallets everywhere during the weekends, but other than that, I have no complaints. We used to have a lady who would bitch at us about expired candy bars, but I haven't seen her in a few years.
There is a Vizio vendor that comes in from time to time. Im pretty sure he has no clue how to work a remote. I've had to set his demos on our TVs countless times. Learn how to do your job man. I don't have time to deal with it lol.
There is a Vizio vendor that comes in from time to time. Im pretty sure he has no clue how to work a remote. I've had to set his demos on our TVs countless times. Learn how to do your job man. I don't have time to deal with it lol.
Ours is a dick. He too had no idea what he was doing and didn't know how to use the remote and he also got pissy at me as though it was my fault that the LOD was chilling in his office all day
What cardboard does Coke have? All I can think of is Powerade and that doesn't really need to be broken down.
That's true, but when they leave 8 different piles of them, it'd be nice if they were broken down into one pile. I think they just annoy me in general, so everything they do bothers me, lol.
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