Are guests allowed to use their reusable bags as baskets?

Oct 18, 2014
I'm not sure if Target has a policy regarding this. I feel like most people who are using their reusable bags as "baskets" are probably stealing. Do we tell them they can't do that? I've been seeing more people lately stuffing things in there bags and they're usually sketchy looking.
sure its easier to just walk out without paying... If AP stops them you just say i forgot that i didn't pay sorry.
Karen is always right.
Don’t say anything to the guest, but call AP and let them know what’s going on, then its up to them what course of action they want to take. Avoid confrontations with guests at all costs, because even if you are in the right it is against Target policy for anyone except AP to confront guests and you risk termination for doing so. Spot would apparently prefer to let a thousand shoplifters rip them off rather than risk bad publicity or a lawsuit, plus telling the shareholders that profits haven’t met expectations because of shoplifting rather than poor management decisions appears to be appealing to them.🙄🙁Good luck and try not to let it get to you.
Well how are you going to tell them no? I mean if we can't tell a pet owner that their dog is clearly not a service animal, I'm not sure we have the ability to say anything at all.
You sure can . If the dog does not have the service dog vest can not enter . All service dog owners are responsible to let people know they dog is a service dog and not a pet . I had a guest escorted because she told me her dog is an emotional dog . Explained to her that’s not what what does the law says . Of course she called the store and complain and my Sd was like unless is a service dog no dogs allowed .Says so right at the entrance .


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We've had guests bring their dogs up to our counter.
I had to tell one guest to move their dog back because they were trying to grab one of the impulse snacks & this was a BIG dog.
Also had a guest try to set her little ankle-biter on our hand-off area before I put my hand out & gave her a hard 'no'.
WTF is wrong with people? Nobody wants your dog around their food and drink!
If the dog does not have the service dog vest can not enter
That's not true; not all service animals wear vests, nor are they required to.

If it is not obvious that the animal is a service animal (they can also be miniature horses, not just dogs!), you are only legally allowed to ask two questions:
1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

That's it. Can't ask for papers. Can't ask for a demonstration of the animal at work. And that's probably not even questions Target wants you to ask anyway.

Little known fact, even if a legit service animal, you can legally ask a Guest to remove the animal if the animal is not exhibiting control or if it's not housebroken. You just have to help them shop :p.
From the same website above...
  • A person with a disability cannot be asked to remove his service animal from the premises unless: (1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or (2) the dog is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, staff must offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain goods or services without the animal’s presence.
I once asked a guest who had a dog that did not have a vest if the dog was a service animal required to assist with a disability. The dog was actively sniffing others, barking and not behaving in the way that a trained service animal typically does. The man immediately said yes. The woman with him said "NO! I told you to leave that damned dog at home. Go put him in the car and stay there with him." I hurt from trying to hold in my laughter.
We're not allowed to say anything unless the animal is disruptive.
Recently, a guest's dog was NOT acting like a service animal & began barking at another dog who WAS.
He was pulling on his leash & going nuts while the service dog didn't even look his way.
I'm not sure if Target has a policy regarding this. I feel like most people who are using their reusable bags as "baskets" are probably stealing. Do we tell them they can't do that? I've been seeing more people lately stuffing things in there bags and they're usually sketchy looking.
Yes… to be honest just do your job and don’t go the extra mile, we don’t get paid enough and reporting that to an AP won’t get u a Purple Heart reward!
That's not true; not all service animals wear vests, nor are they required to.

If it is not obvious that the animal is a service animal (they can also be miniature horses, not just dogs!), you are only legally allowed to ask two questions:
1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

That's it. Can't ask for papers. Can't ask for a demonstration of the animal at work. And that's probably not even questions Target wants you to ask anyway.

Little known fact, even if a legit service animal, you can legally ask a Guest to remove the animal if the animal is not exhibiting control or if it's not housebroken. You just have to help them shop :p.
From the same website above...
Thanks for this. Had to ask a guest 3 X s to keep their dog from jumping on TM s. You d a thought her head was gonna spin around. I can just hear the corporate call..." your employee told me not to
let my service emotional support animal jump on your store employees!!!!!"