There aren't many things that piss me off when someone comes up for backup- I'm just thankful as hell if someone does and especially if they do it in a reasonable amount of time, and I'm sure most other gsas/gstls feel the same. Got a question or can't figure something out? That's fine! I don't care how stupid your question is! I'm just glad and grateful as hell my lines aren't lookin crazy.
I only have a few things that really bother me as far as backup cashiers go.
First is when I have to call 5 times for backup to get a response, then I only get a response when the lod starts getting upset that nobody will go for backup. It shouldn't take the lod commanding tms to do their job for them to do it. It's also highly disrespectful and insulting to me that i get ignored when I need assistance and it only becomes important enough when the lod starts chiming in. If you are with a guest, for the love of god say that. I'll love you forever if you don't give me crickets over the walkie when I'm in a state of panic and desperation.
Second is when I tell a backup cashier to get on a certain lane and they just hop on whichever they please. This is a problem because I tell the backup to get on a certain lane so I can have guests already unloading and waiting for them when they get there...then when they hop on a different lane they leave those guests in the dust only to grab someone who hasn't been sitting there waiting as long. Then, I have to either call for another backup and have the guests wait even longer or hop on myself and get coached for that shit if I get caught (my store does not allow gsas/gstls to hop on for backup whatsoever).
The only other thing that will piss me off is when people don't educate on redcards. I guarantee I hate redcards more than you do and as tired of hearing about them as you are, I'm 10000 times more tired of hearing about it. But when you don't educate, I take the heat for it. It's not that hard to do and I know you know how. Even when you are just up for backup, it's something you have to do. Hell, I would have left tonight entering a big fat zero in for the closing shift in the conversion email if it wasn't for the backup cashier from softlines who got one (we have a dtl visit tomorrow, so as much as 1 sucks thank fuck I didn't have to enter 0).
Tl;dr: communicate that you're coming or that you can't because you're with a guest, get on the lane they ask you to, and blah blah redcard and you'll be loved to pieces, basically