Logistics Backroom Grouping not Taking?

Sep 20, 2022
Has anyone experienced issues when either creating new backroom locations, or regrouping existing backroom locations, and the grouping not correctly displaying or different reports showing contradictory groupings?

Essentially, I want 100% of my BR locs to be grouped as open stock. The number of reasons why I would want it to be anything else are practically zero. Yet, despite regrouping aisles multiple times, Backroom Detail Report and Empty Location Report still show locs grouped as casepack or bulk. This is after allowing time for the data in the reports to regenerate. One aisle I had to regroup on multiple successive days just to get it to show 100% open. myDay correctly scans all the locations as openstock, but reporting doesn't. Why this may matter is that it makes me very cynical about Pick and Fill logic working correctly. I have not confirmed that it treats the locations as casepack.

But still, for uniformity, I would like my reports to be consistent and accurate.
Has anyone experienced issues when either creating new backroom locations, or regrouping existing backroom locations, and the grouping not correctly displaying or different reports showing contradictory groupings?

Essentially, I want 100% of my BR locs to be grouped as open stock. The number of reasons why I would want it to be anything else are practically zero. Yet, despite regrouping aisles multiple times, Backroom Detail Report and Empty Location Report still show locs grouped as casepack or bulk. This is after allowing time for the data in the reports to regenerate. One aisle I had to regroup on multiple successive days just to get it to show 100% open. myDay correctly scans all the locations as openstock, but reporting doesn't. Why this may matter is that it makes me very cynical about Pick and Fill logic working correctly. I have not confirmed that it treats the locations as casepack.

But still, for uniformity, I would like my reports to be consistent and accurate.

Are you following the proper procedure:

1) Audit everything out of all locations.

2) Delete all locations

3) Recreate your new locations as open stock
Are you following the proper procedure:

1) Audit everything out of all locations.

2) Delete all locations

3) Recreate your new locations as open stock
I don't remember having a problem just changing the grouping but we went to all open stock like 2 years ago so it may have changed. If they wanted to do all that why even have a grouping function.
Are you following the proper procedure:

1) Audit everything out of all locations.

2) Delete all locations

3) Recreate your new locations as open stock

I'm with Mr. T here. Why would Location Management have a Regrouping function if you had to do all that? I'm not going to re-locate hundreds of locations of inventory just to regroup them. Nevermind deleting and recreating locations that already exist. That would be asinine. I think the location management tool is just poorly made. For example, if you try to create too many aisles of new locations all at once, it just straight up bugs out without making them.

Is that stated somewhere as being the proper procedure? I've not seen that, but I would like to confirm if it is.
I think that was the procedure after they made the switch to myWork, since they updated how locations were made or handled on the backend. You could group locations, it’s just that the locations from the old way of doing things didn’t always update.

I usually just grouped fewer at a time and it eventually worked. The reporting might not be picking up the new grouping if it’s mainly meant for tracking activity (new grouping may not count, so it may not be updating).
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