Archived Being coached for going to dinner with team members.

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Nov 1, 2011
Hey all

A few months back another team leader and myself went to dinner with a few team members, as one of them was leaving for another job.

This other team leader came to me the other week to ask if I had been coached, as she was told by her ETL that this was a no no for her to go out with team members. I told her no and thought that it was not right. She then told me that was going to speak to our STL about this. Not really sure what happened.

A few days after speaking with this other team leader one of her team members came to me to ask if I would be in trouble for going on a cruise with her next year (going, as friends and nothing more). I told not to worry about it, as I really did not care. A few days later she told that the STL told her not to worry about it.

Anyone else know what Target's rules are around this?
I was told that we cant party with TLs, one of my TLs invited me to go hit the gym with him one day, and another time our backroom TL took us out to lunch at a restaurant near by, and we didnt get in trouble either and neither did he. An ETL even invited me to go grab something to eat after a closing shift once.
I just think this ETL is trying hard to get rid of the team lead. I think he is hoping that she will just quit.

Him and I get along okay, but try to be careful around him, as he can be moved to the ETL over my area.

He was a big part of a meeting we had a while back with our DTL. I just hope the DTL followed up on the many concerns that were brought up.
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We had an ETL who would go out to bars with team members.
We also have TLs who throw parties and invite other TLs and TMs.
No one has ever gotten in trouble at my store.
I go out to eat with my TL and his brother all the time, sometimes other TM's go with us. Our ETL knows about it and has no issues.
Depending on the store, there are some rules with ETLs and GSTLs hanging out with TMs away from the store. It can be viewed that certain TMs can be getting preferential treatment from ETLs and TLs.

I had a GSTL at one of my stores who met up with some TMs at a local bar, and posted pics of themselves on Facebook. Other than that, I don't know the whole specfics. Word got back to the ETLs, and the TL was demoted for a month and was transferred to another department.

But I believe the depending the STL, perception is key.

Then of course, one old GSTL of mine have always been good friends. I have eaten dinner with them and had Thanksgiving with them.
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My ETLs will NOT "fraternize" with anyone below them, though they'll all get a bite to eat from time to time. However, everyone else-- team members, team leads, sr. team leads, will often do dinner after work, drinks, etc. Only a couple times has it been KIND OF a bad idea (people getting too drunk, making out with each other, you know. We're all young!)

In the pharmacy though, my pharmacists are my ETLs, and us technicians DO spend some time with the pharmacists-- usually going out to eat around holidays, birthdays, etc.
I think Target would prefer you did not hang out with people above or below you but it really does not become a real issue until feelings get hurt yadda yadda yadda. Ive only ever seen issues with ETLs were banging out Team Members
At my store, ETLs cannot fraternize with TLs or TMs. However, TLs can hang out with TMs. In fact, TLs and TMs can DATE if they're not in the same work center. We have lots of TL/TL and TL/TM and TM/TM couples.
Me and the other ETLs at my store have gone out to dinner with TMs and TLs. Though this one night when our LOG Sr.TL called out and started drinking and our STL had to stay overnight after closing the store, we all dipped out pretty fast. And we haven't gone out with them since.
I know they do not like TL's spending time with TM's at my store, but we do at times hit the gym as a group or go out to dinner after close. We just try to keep topics off of work. We have had our ETL-GSA join us from time to time also.
As others have said, there's no rule against TL's and TM's hanging out. The only rule regarding them is that they can not date each other while in the same work center. I've hung out with TM's, TL's, and ETL's.

The issue came up one time several years ago because I was giving a TM a ride to work. Some of the other TM's (the sorry people who just create drama and bitch about anything) went to HR and said I was hanging out with TM's. HR asked me about it, I told her what I do on my time is my business and not the TM's business. Nothing else was ever said.
We use to go drink with my old ETL ,heck we even go now, even though she's not with us no more. But I wouldn't hang out with these new cats...
Being socially involved with team members is looked down upon by executive management in most stores. However, Target can not punish a team leader for going to a social event with team members as long as it does not affect the work environment. If you go to a party with team members, get drunk, and get arrested; there will probably be some repercussions since it affected your job. If you go to a team member's house, get on Facebook, and start posting derogatory things about your job and other employees; you will probably be coached or put on corrective action. If you are known to be friends with a team member and you start scheduling them more hours and off every weekend; you will probably get a stern talking to and told to end the relationship. So by all means embrace your team, get to know them and support them; because they are pretty amazing people and the ones who will make or break your career. Just do so in a responsible way.
Fraternization is frowned upon, it might make you realize your subordinates are human beings who are just trying to struggle through this existence we call life and that it might actually behoove you to approach them humanely when considering leadership actions.
Being socially involved with team members is looked down upon by executive management in most stores. However, Target can not punish a team leader for going to a social event with team members as long as it does not affect the work environment. If you go to a party with team members, get drunk, and get arrested; there will probably be some repercussions since it affected your job. If you go to a team member's house, get on Facebook, and start posting derogatory things about your job and other employees; you will probably be coached or put on corrective action. If you are known to be friends with a team member and you start scheduling them more hours and off every weekend; you will probably get a stern talking to and told to end the relationship. So by all means embrace your team, get to know them and support them; because they are pretty amazing people and the ones who will make or break your career. Just do so in a responsible way.

Very well said! I'm still new at my store and I'm still kinda shy with the fellow TM's but I do think the helpful and awesome people I work with are epic
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