Drastic hours Cuts?

Sep 22, 2019
Anybody else’s store doing this from now until end of July? Schedules went from 36-40 down to 28-30 for me, some went from 4 shifts down to one. Were told that it’ll be this way until August. We also all got the dreaded ‘we’re giving you this Friday off, enjoy’ calls. I know it’s retail, hours are never guarantee, but we usually have these cuts in Feb/March.

Is the Pride backlash really this impactful? We’re in a pretty liberal area and have had more people upset at removals than at the selection itself.
Anybody else’s store doing this from now until end of July? Schedules went from 36-40 down to 28-30 for me, some went from 4 shifts down to one. Were told that it’ll be this way until August. We also all got the dreaded ‘we’re giving you this Friday off, enjoy’ calls. I know it’s retail, hours are never guarantee, but we usually have these cuts in Feb/March.

Is the Pride backlash really this impactful? We’re in a pretty liberal area and have had more people upset at removals than at the selection itself.
Happens every year. More hours when back to school starts
See, it hasn’t happened at our store in my previous 5 years there. That’s why I was wondering if it’s bigger than just your typical retail hours drop.
I feel it has been much more drastic this year then previous, as with the rest of the year trying to save as much money as possible. There has been more talk then ever between tms looking for new work. I know that happens every year too but we've been bleeding tms for a little while. Way too much work out there to be pinching pennies.
See, it hasn’t happened at our store in my previous 5 years there. That’s why I was wondering if it’s bigger than just your typical retail hours drop.
At my first store, that happened nearly every month. The store overscheduled for the first two weeks of every month and then suddenly we had to start cutting hours to make payroll at the end. They did this every month and didn't learn. It went on for years.

At my current store, we typically schedule the exact number of hours that Target gives us for each week of the month, and then we don't cover call offs and suddenly we have tons of extra hours at the end of every month that we can't spend.

Neither store seems to learn from their mistakes.
Typically they schedule right at the hours that Target gives them. The last two months they cover only critical call offs (so if there’s 2 12-6 shifts, they’ll cover only one) but we were told no covering, all those shift cuts and today word is hiring freeze as well. We have 23 job listings on our hiring board in the breakroom. Are they saying we aren’t replacing even those people?

our sales have been 2-10% over every day since last Oct. I get that not every store has been that way but damn. This sucks.

A more philosophical question than one I want an answer to - when the financial going gets tough, why squeeze the little guy who gets product Actually off the truck and in the carts or cars? If we’re supposed to be guest first, then give us the tools/people to do that.
Our hours had started to reduce Atleast a month back . My average hours are almost closer to 40 . They reduced my hours to 25-30 for the first few weeks and then it slowly increased . But all this time I have asked or been asked to stay longer and they let me too . Now I’m back to 40 hrs in the schedule itself .
Anybody else’s store doing this from now until end of July? Schedules went from 36-40 down to 28-30 for me, some went from 4 shifts down to one. Were told that it’ll be this way until August. We also all got the dreaded ‘we’re giving you this Friday off, enjoy’ calls. I know it’s retail, hours are never guarantee, but we usually have these cuts in Feb/March.

Is the Pride backlash really this impactful? We’re in a pretty liberal area and have had more people upset at removals than at the selection itself.
Mine dropped slightly. Went from 38 to 32
My inbound team has been close to 40 for most of the year 32 probably the lowest. Last month and now nearing 2 they're at 25. Every other tm in gm lost a day.
Our hours have been reduced. Unless I am mistaken here, I understand that the actual schedules for hourly TMs are made using computer algorithms (if you prefer, a "robo-scheduler"). Presumably this is to maintain objectivity, no preferential treatment that would violate the concept of equity. On certain days, we are left critically short-handed, something I experienced a couple of days ago when we had about one-half of our normal S&E staff on duty. Our cart attendant worked alongside me at the service desk, handling most of the drive-up orders. It was a frantic few hours, with long lines at SCO and registers as well as at the service desk.

One disturbing aspect is not only have our hours been reduced, but more of our equipment is malfunctioning and not receiving maintenance. It's no joke when we have to process a product return (including from some other local Targets which are having the same problem) from an illegible receipt due to defective printers. Yeah, if they have the payment card we can look up the receipt, but then you have guests who use multiple cards or who used gift cards.
My inbound team has been close to 40 for most of the year 32 probably the lowest. Last month and now nearing 2 they're at 25. Every other tm in gm lost a day.
That’s crazy . I am chased by every peer of mine because I over schedule and they can not . And I say , listen my plano tm is doing your revisions and saleplaners , my inbound team is doing the zone , returns , unload , truck push , backstock and all priorities . Why would you need the hours ? They do not need more than 2 people for departments plus their leads to just be there for the guest .
But inbound is what hold everything together at my store .
I don't work a full 40 hours, but the newest schedule has me at 12 after consistently getting 24-25 (25 is my max for a solid few months.
We have heard the same, prepare for July to be bad 🙄 which to be honest would not be an issue, if all the leaders would support in the workload. I’ve worked for 4 other companies, never seen one that lets the leadership eat up so many hours just to sit in the back office most of the day. Oh and I would love to see an attendance reports for executives 😂 I swear our HR ETL does less hours than me.
Last week and next week I took an extra day off to give some hours for my coworkers. Another coworker did the same. No one asked us to, but I see hour cut weeks as a good time to have 3 days off. I'll use vacation time. This week and the newest schedule, I'm getting my typical hours. My ETL seems to be scheduling the reliable people to their expectations. Those who have attendance issues seem to be experiencing more cuts. This is just a theory of mine, but I am pretty sure its how things are going down at my workcenter.
We have heard the same, prepare for July to be bad 🙄 which to be honest would not be an issue, if all the leaders would support in the workload. I’ve worked for 4 other companies, never seen one that lets the leadership eat up so many hours just to sit in the back office most of the day. Oh and I would love to see an attendance reports for executives 😂 I swear our HR ETL does less hours than me.
Leaders eating up hours is so true. Not much would irk me more than seeing my TL hanging out in TSC, whooping it up with a select few fellow Style TMs while the floor was a mess and stuff was not done. Of course it eventually caught up with her and she's gone now, along with those TMs, but it should never have gone on as long as it did. And most of them moved departments and then quit, so it's not like they got fired, although I do believe they were on correctives at one point.

Regardless, there used to be way too many people wasting time at my store. Thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case most of the time now.

IMO TLs should rarely be in an office. I don't know how much paperwork or computer work they have to do, but more than half of an hourly leader's job should be tasking.
Last week and next week I took an extra day off to give some hours for my coworkers. Another coworker did the same. No one asked us to, but I see hour cut weeks as a good time to have 3 days off. I'll use vacation time. This week and the newest schedule, I'm getting my typical hours. My ETL seems to be scheduling the reliable people to their expectations. Those who have attendance issues seem to be experiencing more cuts. This is just a theory of mine, but I am pretty sure its how things are going down at my workcenter.
And this is how it should be. It used to really piss me off that other TMs were getting more hours than me when, at least according to all the feedback I got from everyone, leaders and TMs alike, I was the GOAT and they were...not.

It was explained to me that hours had to be distributed equitably to avoid conflict. That's nuts. If someone is clearly better and more reliable and they want the hours, they should be given them. If other TMs want more hours, they can step their nethers up and earn them.
Leaders eating up hours is so true. Not much would irk me more than seeing my TL hanging out in TSC, whooping it up with a select few fellow Style TMs while the floor was a mess and stuff was not done. Of course it eventually caught up with her and she's gone now, along with those TMs, but it should never have gone on as long as it did. And most of them moved departments and then quit, so it's not like they got fired, although I do believe they were on correctives at one point.

Regardless, there used to be way too many people wasting time at my store. Thankfully that doesn't seem to be the case most of the time now.

IMO TLs should rarely be in an office. I don't know how much paperwork or computer work they have to do, but more than half of an hourly leader's job should be tasking.
Some roles have more then others. Realistically a couple hours a day is way more than sufficient. I'm inbound and spend about 30 minutes at start of shift. 30 after lunch doing my conversations. And 30-45 minutes planning next truck and emails. On Friday or Saturday I review next schedule and make sure it doesn't have issues which can take like an hour or 2. On my non truck days I will spend some more time looking at upcoming trends and anything else I need to do. If they wanted me to do everything they actually expect me to do I could spend all day on the damn thing but it's not going to get the actual work done.
Down days must be nice . I do not allow down days . If they cancel my double I get the OD and for her to add it back . I do not want a triple or quad before q4.
We aren't staffed to have more then 5 truck days a week. All of my inbound work all 5 days unless the request it off. Easier to have doubles and off days instead of having a smaller amount of inbound tms on at a time.
That’s crazy . I am chased by every peer of mine because I over schedule and they can not . And I say , listen my plano tm is doing your revisions and saleplaners , my inbound team is doing the zone , returns , unload , truck push , backstock and all priorities . Why would you need the hours ? They do not need more than 2 people for departments plus their leads to just be there for the guest .
But inbound is what hold everything together at my store .
Same at ours. Other departments give up their hours to Inbound so we can get things done.