Archived Dress Code Clarifications

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Aug 19, 2014
Hi everyone,

I am a new team member (pharmacy tech), and I was looking for some clarifications on dress code. I have looked at previous posts, but I had some additional questions that I was hoping could be answered.

My question mainly revolved on the shade of red. I know from my research here that it is any shade of red that is not orange or pink, but does that mean I can wear a very dark red? Like this (in burgundy):

Also, are scarves allowed? For instance, could I wear a patterned red and some other color scarf with the other dress code items?

Finally, are boots allowed as footwear? I'm not talking about Ugg type boots, but more like the types of flat heeled boots that may be sold at Target.

Thanks for any help! Sorry for all of the questions. I have absolutely no red in my closet, but don't want to start off with buying things that aren't acceptable.
Burgundy is acceptable at my store, but that shirt looks really pink to me. Scarves are not allowed unless they are mandated by your religion, boots are fine.
The shirt should be acceptable. Pink and orange shades are usually not acceptable.

Scarves (for any reason other than religion) may be up to the discretion of store management since you work more pharmacy. But I have seen ETLs, cart attendants and operators wear them usually for warmth in winter. Normally, scarves on the salesfloor are frowned upon as they can catch or be pulled by people, equipment, or fixtures.

Any shoe that has a heel and closed toe is acceptable. Steel toes are usually not allowed if you work in the backroom.
Just ask your Hr as they and the STL will be deciding on how flexible the store is on 'redness' and accessories. My store allows plaid, scarves, and red vests over whatever you wear. My last store was very strict about the shade of the shirt and the color of the slacks. No accessories, maximum earring sizes, etc.
All those would be okay at my store, but each store is different.

And at my store each person is also held to a different standard, for even more fun...some people are allowed to wear capris, some aren't. The ETL-HR won't let some people wear their volunteer shirts, but others are, etc. Fine fun!
Thanks for all of the responses!

I have one more question about dress code specifics... are patterns allowed if they are under something that is red? For instance, could I have a patterned red and white tank under a red cardigan? I really appreciate all of the advice.
I think you'll be safe but again it's at the discretion of your HR and STL. Technically red and khaki are not a "uniform" just a code so there are a lot of grey areas on what is acceptable. I had TMs that dressed way better than expected (scarfs, cardigans, other accessories). Salesfloor TMs typically dressed better than Flow/BR because you didn't get as dirty. Just clear things up with your store.

Pharmacy is in its own little world . Target tries to include y'all but your pharmacist runs that show.
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All that is store by store. You will find a wide variety of what is ok and not from one store to the next. Best way to find out is just ask in your store. It is crazy but, its Target.
Check with your ETL RX about the scarves. Because to my knowledge it may go against Pharmacies harsh dress code BP.
If there is a work center other than CA where I'd want my steel toes, it would be in the backroom. You know how much stuff gets dropped back there. Ouchies

I don't know, if you smart your toes should be alright. Weight of the boots can be a bit much after a while.

A scarf, around the neck like the ones we sell, in target colors should be good, on the head if that is your religion also good to go. Cardigans see it all the time over tanks and non target shirts, just be red!

Honestly a scarf to me for in stocks would just get me hurt catching on something. My standard issue work clothes khaki cargo pants(need the pockets), red t-shirt and black work sketchers. I get to dirty to be dressed really nice.
I wore steel toes and nobody said anything.

But that's the fun part about Target, nothings consistent.
I also carried my own folding box cutter and called it a 'signing tool'.
I did the same thing with a folding utility knife when I was sales floor, and all the reactions I got were from team members gasping that I'd get in trouble. The STL/ETLs/TLs pretty much all saw it at one point or another and didn't comment.
That color shirt would be allowed at my store. As long as the outermost shirt is red, my store doesn't really care what you wear underneath. I typically stick to grey or black because it looks nicer, but I'll wear bright blue camis during patriotic holidays and green during Christmas. I am not sure about the scarves. I've never seen them in my store. Boots are fine. I think the only shoes expressly not allowed are open-toe shoes.
My stores told some horror stories of heavy pallets rolling over a foot with steel toe shoes, and cutting off the toes. It could have just been a state or store thing.
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my store is pretty relaxed. They let the one of the truck unloaders wear a black shirt if he stays in the back. I wear a black tee with a open red hoodie during the winter months so I could probably get away with a vest or button up as well. We had a tm wear a nice scarf and the STL said it was very brand. We can even wear gloves on floor, work, fingerless or snow gloves. I've only seen people get told that they can't wear colors that make u stand out like hot pink, and bright orange
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