Extended hours

Nov 27, 2015
Anyone else get the news that store hours will be extended next week? Schedules have already been written so ETLs are scrambling to see who will extend.

I’m surprised Corp is doing this before Thanksgiving seeing as the virus is wreaking havoc once again and many places are going back to curfews and whatnot.
Im not surprised. Im not in today but considering the made my group mandatory overnight truck unload 3 days before it started.
Announced at my store today, not really surprised. Wish my shifts would start earlier because another hour of being around guests isn't really top of my "yay!" list. At least it won't be busy that first hour.
The question is, why now? I think it said on Workbench that extended hours wouldn’t start until December. With increases in Covid-19 nationwide, are they anticipating localized lockdowns or just increased guest traffic so are trying to spread out the number of guests in the store at anytime?