Archived Extreme Weather at Target

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Former Team Member
Jun 17, 2011

Monitoring weather in my area. Here is a Twitter pic of a group of guests taking cover in Domestics.
I am far out from home right now at my in-laws. But the main storm was about 10 miles north and west of my place.

The pic was shown on the local news. As I remember, during times of extreme weather TMs are to escort guests to the firehall.
One more pic..and its the best

Man, if we ever get severe weather near my store, I'm grabbing a jacket and heading into the freezer.

Probably the sturdiest part of the store.

That or one of the coolers!
at my store we are supposed to get up against the wall that is adjacent to the next store (We are only adjacent on one side).. But I work in market and will tell you I am going straight to the produce cooler if %^$# ever breaks out. Not only are you behind metal latched doors, but you would also have plenty of food/drink if you are stuck a lengthy time.
I would of asked where is safest place to be? There is tornado room for that, at my store. My new etl's are saying, what? Then I take them to it..
If it was me and it was tornado watch and really threatening weather, I'd just stay zoning in toys XD
Fire aisle is the sturdiest/safest area in our store. We're on the end of a strip so not much in the way of adjacency.
One more pic..and its the best


What exactly is a pillow gonna do if the roof collapses on your head

For the same damn reason our grandparents and/or parents were taught to "Duck & Cover" during a nuclear strike:


Where I grew up it was earthquake drills.

Duck & cover is the best option for an Earthquake if you can find something to hide under. Pillows will not protect you for fallen debris nor nuclear strikes.
For the same damn reason our grandparents and/or parents were taught to "Duck & Cover" during a nuclear strike:


I remember those drills, those desks & girls not being allowed to wear pants to school unless it was below freezing.
Me, too. And about the pants, we could wear them under a skirt but had to remove them when we got to school.
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