Archived First CA is now null and void?

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Nov 1, 2011

I am just a little frustrated, as I put one of my team members on a corrective action for poor attendance a few months (only after coaching for 3 months or more and then giving her a 30 day conversation), but before giving this to her I had approved by the ETL-HR. After that she had a month where her attendance was much improved, so I just was told to just coach, as it was still was not perfect. In any event her attendance slipped again the next month, as I was ready to put her on a finial warning. When mentioning this the ETL-HR he told me that it had to run by someone at another store.Well in any event he never forwarded this to this other ETL before unexpectedly leaving the company. Our current HR-ETL and STL forwarded the final warning, as well as the first CA, but was just told that the first CA is now null and void. I have been told some of the date did not match. I also guess they want more detail/specifics. All of this means that I get to start from scratch. Also, as the former ETL-HR did not send any of this paperwork in for approval this team member was not talked to last month (problems with the attendance numbers meant we did not these until the middle of the month and the ETL dropped the ball).
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Which would explain all the posts I see where TMs complain about coworkers who are constantly late and never seem to get in trouble for it.

There is a process that has to be followed but if even when it is followed if the paperwork falls into a black hole, one of the TLs or ETLs leaves, the seasons change, and that person is still there, making everyone crazy by showing up late.
Just remember there might be more to the situation then you know. The associate may have been put on intermediate LOA which would allow this attendance pattern. The associate may of had other issues that they worked out with the ETL and they didn't inform you. Also, make sure you hold everyone to the same level of accountability, I've seen write ups overturned because the associate could prove they were being held accountable but no one else was.
Attendance CA's typically require approval from another store...typically the "senior" ETL-HR in the district, or the HR-BP. That way the company can't claim have somebody completely out of the loop making the decision.

So that's why you have to make it crystal clear that this person is having attendance issues. Lots of documented coachings, lots of detail, lots of dates. You have to convince somebody who has not had to deal with this TM that the TM in question needs to be removed from the store.
I had to deal with a very similar situation. It sucks when you (as the TL) are doing everything you can do to hold your team accountable and then the ETLs don't take the steps they need to take to get CAs and Finals approved in a timely manner.

Sorry to hear you have to start from scratch :(
Attendance CA's typically require approval from another store...typically the "senior" ETL-HR in the district, or the HR-BP. That way the company can't claim have somebody completely out of the loop making the decision.

So that's why you have to make it crystal clear that this person is having attendance issues. Lots of documented coachings, lots of detail, lots of dates. You have to convince somebody who has not had to deal with this TM that the TM in question needs to be removed from the store.
I understand this. I just wished that the previous ETL-HR had followed this. Also I wished he said he needed to send the final warning to another store approval he did that, so even though I still would have needed to start from scratch i could already be done with that. I think he knew he was leaving, so he did as little as possible.
Just remember there might be more to the situation then you know. The team member may have been put on intermediate LOA which would allow this attendance pattern. The team member may of had other issues that they worked out with the ETL and they didn't inform you. Also, make sure you hold everyone to the same level of accountability, I've seen write ups overturned because the team member could prove they were being held accountable but no one else was.
Not really.
For the first two scenarios, leadership would simply stop the disciplinary action from going any further & inform the TL to keep them from resubmitting paperwork. Much easier than trying to make excuses for dropping the ball.
As to the latter, store politics is frequently a deciding factor.
We had three TMs who were facing disciplinary action that went nowhere because they had relatives that were either TLs in another dept at the store or an ETL at another store.
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