Archived Global Issues - It's a turned to 💩

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Apr 13, 2013
well more of a joke if it rankles any one then just delete it.

so apparently if the sub reddit is to be believed we're are in another "Global Issue" system death spiral. so Mr Poo Emoji is here to brighten your day.
I think it started yesterday. Couldn't get into payandbenefits, called, and they told me it was a global issue that "should be resolved within the hour".. Nope..
How does a company this big consistently have such shit technology?
some times I think they, who ever [They] are, are just doing standard updates and maintenance at thee most inappropriate times and there are others times I think they are all blithering idiots.

Except for the very helpful people from HQ that post on here on occasion, those guys/gals are amazing.
How does a company this big consistently have such shit technology?

Target's technology might not be perfect, but it's honestly light years superior to some of technology the competitors rely on.
Happens about 2 minutes before I got in line to check out. Bank credit cards were processed, but not bank debit cards. You had to use the credit card option with the debit. No Red Cards were processed (credit or debit). Wallet could not be used. Cartwheel deals wouldn't process. Ended up combining percentages off and applying to each item.

You would think with all the problems Spot has had with POS, this would be the ONE area they would put more than enough money into to prevent ANYTHING from screwing up there again.
some times I think they, who ever [They] are, are just doing standard updates and maintenance at thee most inappropriate times and there are others times I think they are all blithering idiots.

Except for the very helpful people from HQ that post on here on occasion, those guys/gals are amazing.
Like its 1 am in India, makes sense to update 😂
One out of every 15 mydevices working today...push was getting done fast from lack of anything else to do which meant I was stuck behind a register my whole shift. I hate being at one, my legs ache like hell. Much rather be on the floor, but other people beat me to zoning and reshop
I honestly did not expect this to happen again. Like It doesn't surprise me, but this is an issue that's directly and obviously losing them money, so I thought they would have took measures against it.

Maybe they did but shit I'm happy this happened on a random Tuesday afternoon and not a more important day.
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It appears that spot did not learn from the first time:(
Hasn't it happened like 4 or 5 times already. The first couple times it was years apart now they are trying to quicken it to a couple months. Makes you wonder how a corporation whose prior CEO got canned for the credit card breach but duly also for the Canada debacle, would not put resources into this not happening again or at least favor some time between mishaps.

It sometimes feels like a generic dry CSC response where they are acting like they are doing you a favor by saying it is a "global issue" that will only be a couple of hours inconvenience when really it should not be occuring in the first place. It irks me when they are annoyed when people are asking them on updates on when the system is actually going to be up. Seriously do your job! Stupid actions will get you stupid questions. These dumb screwups makes people's job needlessly harder, regardless of how long the issue is in bringing things to a halt.

With the majority IT department in Bangalore up when the IT kids in Minnesota are sleeping, how is this possible that a glitch in the matrix occurs so readily.

This also screams to any potential hacker or hackers hey mess with us if you want. We do not even know what we are doing. I am more fearful now in this regard with Cornell than I ever was with Steinhafel.
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Every time I've called the CSC lately, they've been rude and generally horrible. They've also been that way with my ETL, my SETL, and another TM like myself who's trusted to call the CSC because we know what we're doing.

My SO works in IT, and I know that, as with us and guests, they have people freaking out on them regularly all day. As such, I try to be patient and kind with them, but don't be a jerk to me when I asked you a legitimate question.

As for having it fixed, well, if they're cutting time/shortening contracts/however they have it worked out with IT as they are with the rest of us ....
Is there gonna be a discount for us again?

The subreddit mentioned there might be.
Also, Spot must have cached the transactions. My SO checked our bank account online this morning and the transaction hadn't posted yet. I also had to talk to my bank for a different reason regarding my debit card and as of noon it still had not posted. Usually, whether used as debit or credit, the Target transactions post the morning of the next day. Interesting.
Is there gonna be a discount for us again?

The subreddit mentioned there might be.
I doubt it. The last major one was on a Saturday before a major holiday and was covered on major news outlets. This Tuesday one wasn't as bad for most TMs and there was no major coverage of it.
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