Archived Grande Franken Frappucinos

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Perishable Assistant Wizard
Aug 20, 2013
does anyone know if they are available at Target SBs ??
$$3.00 after 2 PM sounds good to me.

Starbucks releases special Halloween Drink Franken Frappuccino


Starbucks apparently doesn't quite understand how a secret menu works. The chain has released an "officially sponsored secret menu drink" just in time for Halloween. Called the Franken Frappuccino, the green concoction is a green tea Frappuccino with white mocha sauce, peppermint syrup, java chips, whipped cream, and a mocha drizzle. Apparently there's even a promotion on them: From October 29-31, Grande Franken Frappucinos are $3 after 2 p.m.

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I read about it and I made it at work yesterday, it takes like Thin mint ice cream. It's actually pretty good.
I saw the Starbucks on campus had signs up for it this evening and I had no idea what it was and didn't have the courage to try it. Now I know!
That's an old recipe & yeh, it's based on a chocolate mint drink. They came out one yr for St. Pat's day.
The peppermint syrup & java chips are supposed to kill the matcha (green tea) flavor but it didn't always work so they added the white mocha.
Not my kinda drink but the teens & tweens like 'em.
I like chocolate and mint but doesn't look like something I would order ever.
starbucks anywhere can make any drink. tell them what the recipe is and they can make it. just don't ask for a random drink and expect someone to know what you're talking about.
This x100000.

No, annoying tween girls, I don't know what a (insert random thing here) frappuchino is unless you tell me. Every Wednesday morning because a middle school has late start that is less about a block from us. I refuse to open Wednesday at any position because of the tweens.
I got one yesterday, my starbucks folks didn't know the recipe so we found it online and it was good.
I asked about it just to see if they knew what I was talking about. My Starbucks peeps, including the TL, said that they won't ever make those because they sound gross and they don't want to do it anyway. Verbatim: We don't make all those special drinks anyway. I was just like...if I was your TL you would be making these drinks since they are clearly on the "secret menu" and you have no problem making other drinks (including frappucinos) that aren't on the official menu. You flipping had a contest one year where all the baristas designed a custom drink and tracked who sold the most! "Get off your dang high horses and stop treating your customers like shit!" is what I wanted to say. It's becoming more obvious why the scores are rock bottom over there.

Back on topic, I like thin this drink sounds pretty good.
I asked about it just to see if they knew what I was talking about. My Starbucks peeps, including the TL, said that they won't ever make those because they sound gross and they don't want to do it anyway. Verbatim: We don't make all those special drinks anyway. I was just like...if I was your TL you would be making these drinks since they are clearly on the "secret menu" and you have no problem making other drinks (including frappucinos) that aren't on the official menu. You flipping had a contest one year where all the baristas designed a custom drink and tracked who sold the most! "Get off your dang high horses and stop treating your customers like shit!" is what I wanted to say. It's becoming more obvious why the scores are rock bottom over there.

Back on topic, I like thin this drink sounds pretty good.

Even though I personally wouldn't be interested in drinking one if I was running the Starbucks I'd make sure my people knew how to make them.
For that matter if my numbers were on the bottom I'd be putting on the board and seeing how many we could sell.
There are all kinds of foods I don't like that I'd be happy to sell.
That's the difference between being a pro and a rank amateur.
I don't get the chopped up java chips or whatever they are...
It's like sucking on or trying to chew tiny bits of gravel. Don't like the M&Ms blizzards or McFlurries for the same reason.
Had a guest who used to order a green tea frappucino with raspberry syrup.
Know what you get when you mix red & green?
We called it the 'feces frapp' 'cause that's what it looked like ;)
Had a guest who used to order a green tea frappucino with raspberry syrup.
Know what you get when you mix red & green?
We called it the 'feces frapp' 'cause that's what it looked like ;)

Starbucks doesn't have nutrition facts for the green tea frap on their website but it's probably around 650 with whipped cream for a grande.
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