Archived Handling work load

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Sep 7, 2018
New tm, been here for about a month and getting the hang of things- just wondering how everyone handles their work load for their section. I’m in soft lines, most of the times for infants and I always have so much to do and never get to finish, plus my tl stressing that I need to deep zone all the Time but when I have so much push in the back and having to of course attend to my guests I find myself overwhelmed and getting nothing done. Any tips and tricks :)?
I'm hardlines but like I tell people that expect things done " I will try my best" right now most stores workloads are too much for any Dept. To finish. Take solace that you are not alone. We live in reality, target lives in lala land. Hang in there and just try to learn the processes the best you can.
One thing that kind of helps in softlines is to zone as you go, if possible. If you’re putting an item on the arm of a fixture, go ahead and make sure that arm is sized, etc. It makes pushing things take a little longer, but it helps cut down on how much zoning you have to do later.
For softlines, do the tables last. That way they look mostly perfect at the end of your shift and won't have a chance to get messed up.

For hardlines, deep zoning is rare for my store. It just takes too much time. So if that is desired, you learn to BS it....deep zone ends of the aisles, fill end caps and leave the middles mostly, kinda sorta, zoned.
For SL, can you get help? It seems to be standard for SL at my store that if you're not going to get through zone you say so and someone comes to help.

HL, NSM, so you just get through what you can, and communicate with leadership and ask what priorities are. Usually at my store, once you get to end of shift it's all about fixing endcaps and picking up reshop.
My motto is, fake it, don't make what you can, for hardlines, fill end caps, fix facings when possible, fill empty spots as much as you can, to eliminate empty spots (makes aisles look fuller/better)...match colors of products...anything so if you quickly glance down an aisle, it looks right....even if it's not to POG. Pick up anything on the floor/basedecks (see curtain aisles)...
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