Archived How Difficult Would A Transfer From Overnight To Days Be?

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Finally A Guest Again
Nov 11, 2015
Hello, everyone! I have been working the overnight shift for 2 years now. A bit more than a year and a half at a previous job and 4 months at Target. Lately my body has really been feeling like crap. The hours and the sleepless patterns have really been getting to me for the last maybe 6 months. I moved from my older job to Target because of the higher salary and I thought I could keep going but as I previously stated, I am seriously running on fumes and my high blood pressure really doesn't help.

I wanted to know if I went up to a manager and told them my situation if it would be difficult to get transferred from the overnight shift to the day shift. I have never asked for different shifts from previous employers and I'm a little worried that telling a manager something like this would make me seem like a "slacker". If I get denied and continue to have health complications, what is the next step I can take?

Please help. Thanks in advance!
It would help if you had some medical documentation about the impact it's having on your health.
It would also behoove you to see if there's any dayside positions that you could move to in order to minimize the impact your move would have on the store & your team.
It would help if you had some medical documentation about the impact it's having on your health.
It would also behoove you to see if there's any dayside positions that you could move to in order to minimize the impact your move would have on the store & your team.
I really thought about that and I knew it would be a great idea to have proof of what an impact the night shifts are having on me but, I am not covered at the moment by anyone because I missed the sign up period for benefits at my last job and I think I'm too new to get any benefits from Target. I could visit the general hospital and wait 4 hours just to talk to a doctor but, with the hours I work and with the responsibilities I have on my days off makes that really hard to do. The only proof I have of my health are my high blood pressure pills.
Depending on how your store is doing with seasonal hiring, it may not be an issue. Have you spoken with your HR about switching to days?
Depending on how your store is doing with seasonal hiring, it may not be an issue. Have you spoken with your HR about switching to days?
I think my store is doing great with seasonal hires. Within the last 3 weeks, we have at least 7 new faces on the overnight team, alone. I haven't spoken with HR yet because I have just started to truly consider working the day shift again. I have been thinking about it for a few months but have never been to the point where I feel that I really have to for my health. I work tonight so I will probably call ahead and see what HR has to say before I bring it up with my managers.
What position are you? If you're back room you could possibly go day side
What position are you? If you're back room you could possibly go day side
I shift between overnight stocker to overnight backroom whenever they need an extra person upstairs.
Depends on your productivity. If you've been doing an awesome job just throw a bluff in there saying you don't know if you can keep working this season unless you get switched to days. They would much rather keep a good worker at a different time slot then have to train an unknown
How hard is it? How's your sleep schedule?
How hard is it? How's your sleep schedule?
Like this:
Thur-Mon: Sleep at 12pm, wake up at 6pm.
Tuesday: Sleep at 12pm, wake at 8, sleep again around 3 or 4am. This is my first day off.
Wed: Wake up at 9am, sleep at 11pm.
Thurs Morning: Wake at 8am, sleep at 12pm, wake at 6pm, repeat weekly process.

The only normal day I have is Wednesday. I'm starting to really stress out during work and it's not helping my high blood pressure at all. Like I said before, I'm beat.
We had quite a few people move from our overnight team to days recently. See if there are any regular openings for dayside. Or talk to your ETL LOG. They own the backroom daytime and night. There's no shame in asking.
Shouldn't be too bad. You will lose overnight shift differential and could potentially lose a paygrade of you move out of logistics.

My only advice would be to decide for sure what you want to do. Do go back and forth about what shift you want with leadership once they start trying to move you to dayside.
Shouldn't be too bad. You will lose overnight shift differential and could potentially lose a paygrade of you move out of logistics.

My only advice would be to decide for sure what you want to do. Do go back and forth about what shift you want with leadership once they start trying to move you to dayside.
I'm prepared to lose the overnight differencial. I worked overnight for a year and a half making 2 dollars less than I am now. Losing the overnight differencial would still be a gain compared to my last job. I will think harder about what I want to do but, at the moment I am heavily leaning on switching to days.
Like this:
Thur-Mon: Sleep at 12pm, wake up at 6pm.
Tuesday: Sleep at 12pm, wake at 8, sleep again around 3 or 4am. This is my first day off.
Wed: Wake up at 9am, sleep at 11pm.
Thurs Morning: Wake at 8am, sleep at 12pm, wake at 6pm, repeat weekly process.

The only normal day I have is Wednesday. I'm starting to really stress out during work and it's not helping my high blood pressure at all. Like I said before, I'm beat.
I forgot to mention that this is the "perfect" sleep schedule. In reality, I wake up every couple of hours due to neighbors living their normal lives. Daytime is noisey and my curtaints don't shut all the sunlight away.

MURDERFACE!! Your avatar rules.

Sorry, I know that was completely irrelevant but I had to say it.
Haha, always a pleasure to meet a Metalocalypse fan! I hope that Metalocalypse Now petition goes through and lets Brandon do the final season.
Haha, always a pleasure to meet a Metalocalypse fan! I hope that Metalocalypse Now petition goes through and lets Brandon do the final season.
Unfortunately, as much as I love that show (and I am not a TV-watcher - it's hard to get me into any shows, so when I do like something, it says a lot) I haven't watched it in quite a while. I don't know what's up with the petition, and I need to catch up on this show so bad. What have I been doing with my life?
Unfortunately, as much as I love that show (and I am not a TV-watcher - it's hard to get me into any shows, so when I do like something, it says a lot) I haven't watched it in quite a while. I don't know what's up with the petition, and I need to catch up on this show so bad. What have I been doing with my life?
Haha, its happebs. I think I stopped watching Metalocalypse for a couple if years before I ended up buying the dvds and caught up. I didn't even know there was a Metalocalypse movie until last year.
Ohhh I actually remember the movie! I never watched it but I vaguely remember talk about it. I remember also there being an actual Dethklok band that did a tour a few years ago.
Well, I spoke to my ETL and the talk went a lot smoother than expected. We talked about what hours and if there were days I couldn't work. I told him I was available at all times except past 10:30 since the last bus home stops running at 11, I won't be able to close. He was very understanding and we even chatted a bit afterwards. He was very understanding about my health and never said, "See, here is the problem...". I offered to keep working until I got replaced because I know December is going to be hell for the overnight team and instead of taking that offer, he said the team member count will keep increasing to cover December and that it wouldn't be necessary. He is going to talk to HR to see when I can start working in the backroom. Fortunately, the only pay cut I'm taking is the overnight $1 differencial.
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