I am a hardlines tm who is feeling very frustrated lately. Since the "end to end" process started, my hours are atrocious(17-18 hrs) per wk and I don't anticipate it getting any better. With this "end to end" process, hours are being allocated to market(tms get 30+ hrs)/softlines also has a dedicated team(tms get 30+ hrs) and now that backroom & flow are part of the sales floor team hrs are dedicated to them. Now, where does that leave the hardlines team? Practically in limbo/on a needed basis, since we are not part of this process. I feel like a plug, putting me maybe to fill in for someone who is on vacation or wherever I am needed. These "end to end" departments have a set schedule. They don't have to worry about hours. If you are not part of the "end to end" process, your hrs are basically screwed.
That is how I see it based on what I have read here.
That is how I see it based on what I have read here.