Archived iPhone 6 Display…

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Apr 13, 2013
it lasted all of two days.

yes two days before some nice helpful individual helped him, her, it hir, self to the iPhone 6 on display. Gone like the wind.
How? And how will they use it? Well I'm sure if they were savvy enough to take it they are savvy enough to use it..

I thought the iPhone 6 we had was the iPhone 6 plus.. The 6 seems too big to me, the 6plus is probably crazy big..
How? And how will they use it? Well I'm sure if they were savvy enough to take it they are savvy enough to use it..

I thought the iPhone 6 we had was the iPhone 6 plus.. The 6 seems too big to me, the 6plus is probably crazy big..

the 6+ is huge, like club a rhino with it huge. well we also some steal a NOOK of all things, so I don't think we have the brightest of crooks visit our store.

just restore iPhone to factory settings. Now all they have to do is hope Target is not smart enough to send the phone's identifying info to Apple.
We had so many iPhones displays taken we stopped putting them out.. Cut the cables and out the door it went. I know it was more than 4 of them.

The term for the huge 6 would be phablet - to big for a phone but not big enough to be called a tablet.
Made a callout that led to an apprehension for an Iphone 6 and 5s display last night.

felt good.
lol we have all of ours so far noone has taken any of our live displays... seems odd since we have a lot of theft anyways of other stuff .. maybe we have lower class of thieves lol
Same thing happened to my store's Galaxy Tab 4 displays when those came out.
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