Archived Leverage.

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Apr 30, 2017
Will having leverage help me get a raise. For example if I tell my store I have a job offer somewhere else, will they match the offer ?
I do have a job offer elsewhere, the pay is $3 more than spot.
However, I want to stay with Target.
STL so far has done alot to keep me at my store, (except raise) including the classic carrot dangling.
I know in my district there’s been a high turnover when it comes to TL.
I am sure I am replaceable,but, with all that I have done for my work center , I don’t think anyone can either maintain or replicate those results.....
STL so far has done alot to keep me at my store, (except raise) including the classic carrot dangling.
I know in my district there’s been a high turnover when it comes to TL.
I am sure I am replaceable,but, with all that I have done for my work center , I don’t think anyone can either maintain or replicate those results.....

Doesn't hurt to try
Conventional wisdom says trying to use another job to get a raise often backfires. Even if you get it, you're now the person who is trying to leave, and it can sour your relationship with leaders for the future.

More detail: why you shouldn't take a counteroffer — Ask a Manager -

I would continue to ask for a raise based on merits (if you can use sales numbers for your area, shrink reduction, or whatever metrics you might have access to that provides actual dollars that would help), but decide if you want to work for the other company or if it's just the $$. $3 would be a big raise for you to get from Target at once, so it's unlikely the STL would be able to match it, anyway, but you might be able to get something at next review time if you have a good case.

Good luck!
STL so far has done alot to keep me at my store, (except raise) including the classic carrot dangling.
I know in my district there’s been a high turnover when it comes to TL.
I am sure I am replaceable,but, with all that I have done for my work center , I don’t think anyone can either maintain or replicate those results.....
I wouldn’t use that as a way to get a raise. I think you should use your metrics. Show them how much of a difference you made since owning your workcenters and the development of your team. A few years ago I went to my ETL-HR after our review was delivered and asked for more money because of my metrics and things I was able to accomplish in my Workcenter and brought up the fact that even though there was a revolving door of ETLs at our store, my performance was consistent. Back then we had paygrade increases so he gave me the paygrade increase and I was able to negotiate it without hassle. I got $3. It’s possible but I know my case is rare as it isn’t always easy in other stores.
I've seen a lot of people get stabbed in the back after counteroffers, in and out of Spot. I'd take the new job and run, but only you can make the best decision for yourself.
^This. I’ve seen this happen, too. It’s like leadership feels like you went over to the enemy and after that there’s a cloud over you. It’s up to you, but $3.00 an hour more is a great incentive and I don’t see Spot matching it.
Thanks guys... there is a reason why I want to stay at Target. The incompetency of alot people around me. In an environment like this , its very easy to spot ops and come up with successful solutions.
I thrive in an environment like that. I will talk to my HR , we are allies.
My metrics speak for themselves, and I will bring those up first as supporting argument.
Great advice from others here.

You apparently interviewed somewhere else since you have a job offer. So you aren't completely happy at Spot if you invested the time/effort to meet with the other employer.

Reviews and raises come up in a few months. If you are at base TL pay, your pay will go up as much as TM pay does. So likely a buck or more. If you're above base, your raise won't be as much.

You could make a case based upon your metrics now, but any raise negotiated now would probably mean you get next to nothing at your regular review. Or, make your case now and if you aren't happy with how that goes, then show them the offer you have.
Doesn't hurt to try
Actually it CAN hurt to try.

If one says X place will give me higher pay but Target won't match it and one stays they'll be viewed as a lay down.

I'd not try that unless you REALLY have an offer from someone that you'd go to as if you're turned down and stay, it would indicate you're not committed and playing games, IMO.
Great advice from others here.

You apparently interviewed somewhere else since you have a job offer. So you aren't completely happy at Spot if you invested the time/effort to meet with the other employer.

Reviews and raises come up in a few months. If you are at base TL pay, your pay will go up as much as TM pay does. So likely a buck or more. If you're above base, your raise won't be as much.

You could make a case based upon your metrics now, but any raise negotiated now would probably mean you get next to nothing at your regular review. Or, make your case now and if you aren't happy with how that goes, then show them the offer you have.
I interviewed to see what was out there and what my skill set what was worth. I actually interview 2-3 times a year at various places. To learn and brush up on my cockiness. I plan on being at spot for the long term.
I interviewed to see what was out there and what my skill set what was worth. I actually interview 2-3 times a year at various places. To learn and brush up on my cockiness. I plan on being at spot for the long term.
Then knock the cockiness off. Use ONLY if you really want to leave and have valid job offer.
Then knock the cockiness off. Use ONLY if you really want to leave and have valid job offer.
Thats why I came to you guys for advice before I used this new found tool of competition to get a raise. I think the consensus is unanimous. To go the traditional route of displaying/bringing forth my contributions.Which I appreciate.
Was trying to get a quick buck thats all.
The cockiness stays though.
Thank you.
I interviewed to see what was out there and what my skill set what was worth. I actually interview 2-3 times a year at various places. To learn and brush up on my cockiness. I plan on being at spot for the long term.

You said cock
I interviewed to see what was out there and what my skill set what was worth. I actually interview 2-3 times a year at various places. To learn and brush up on my cockiness. I plan on being at spot for the long term.

This is actually a good practice to have. You can keep your edge and just know what is out there. I’ve interviewed before when I had a job I was in love with. It helped me kniw what the other businesses were offering / expecting of someone in my role.
Always keep in mind things about a job that make a difference in your life.
Money is great but it isn't always the most important thing.
If, as you said, you will get more satisfaction and challenge at Spot, then stay.
Rather then negotiate for more money, which may not be something the STL doesn't have a lot of control over, try negotiating for things that will make your life less stressful.
If your staff are happy, you will be too, so negotiating more hours i.e. more coverage might be one thing.
More leeway in terms of ordering, scheduling, or even firing would make your job much easier.
All of which can be negotiated for.
There are a lot of ways you can use your leverage to make your life better that don't have that much to do with money but will serve you almost as well in the long run.
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