LWW Attitude

Mar 5, 2021
Not sure if this is isolated just to our building, but noticed here since their big promotion, quite a few of our leads have copped a definite attitude. My role, there are frequent interactions with other teams, and we often need the leads to help us figure things out. I had to ask one yesterday to help with something, and the look she gave me was almost like I had shit on my face, with a response of “I don’t do that anymore” as she strutted off. WTF. Apparently she is above helping others now? Another lead from a different area, explained that “their new role is to manage their team, period.” I guess all issues now will just be logged, with no opportunity for helping a TM know better, because the leads cant be bothered to be team players. it looks like the ones that were poor leaders before, who basically sat on a computer or an office all day, now are being justified to be assholes. and if you ask the OM, they push you to work with the lead, who refuses to do anything that appears to be actual work.
we had one with an attitude.. thing is he had one before he was an LLW so this was not much help for you… sorry ..
He did have a relationship with a teammate. She broke up with him, it broke his heart and he quit…lol
Our other LLW’S are helpful ,informative and help out even if ‘“they don’t do that anymore” maybe say something to your om about what she said to you…if that doesn’t work go to HR
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Not sure if this is isolated just to our building, but noticed here since their big promotion, quite a few of our leads have copped a definite attitude. My role, there are frequent interactions with other teams, and we often need the leads to help us figure things out. I had to ask one yesterday to help with something, and the look she gave me was almost like I had shit on my face, with a response of “I don’t do that anymore” as she strutted off. WTF. Apparently she is above helping others now? Another lead from a different area, explained that “their new role is to manage their team, period.” I guess all issues now will just be logged, with no opportunity for helping a TM know better, because the leads cant be bothered to be team players. it looks like the ones that were poor leaders before, who basically sat on a computer or an office all day, now are being justified to be assholes. and if you ask the OM, they push you to work with the lead, who refuses to do anything that appears to be actual work.
No matter what role someone is in, some people just don't/ won't care. Learn to work around them.
Dont do what anymore?? Lmao they were given more responsibility not less.
I'm assuming they're referring to getting on equipment and helping with something along those lines. We aren't supposed to do prod-type stuff anymore.
I'm assuming they're referring to getting on equipment and helping with something along those lines. We aren't supposed to do prod-type stuff anymore.
Oh that makes more sense now.
I can understand that LWWs aren’t supposed to do prod functions, however, afaik they are still supposed to work in a support capacity, which is what it sounds like op was requesting. If this wasn’t expected of them, they would’ve had their pit certifications revoked like a TM who becomes OM.
I'm assuming they're referring to getting on equipment and helping with something along those lines. We aren't supposed to do prod-type stuff anymore.
Well that’s interesting they aren’t supposed do prod stuff anymore. I think I’m lucky because I get along well with our current Team Leads. Also they have definitely been on equipment the last few months helping out here and there
I can understand that LWWs aren’t supposed to do prod functions, however, afaik they are still supposed to work in a support capacity, which is what it sounds like op was requesting. If this wasn’t expected of them, they would’ve had their pit certifications revoked like a TM who becomes OM.
Lww’s aren’t expected to do prod functions. They are able to, if their other duties are complete.
Correct. I didn't mean they aren't allowed to and I agree that it sounds like OPs leads have quite the crappy attitude.

I was merely clarifying to luck what I thought OP was referring to
Leads were never supposed to be in Prod functions anyway, that's not new always been that way. They are the floor eyes and support for the OM. I still don't understand the 'new roles' and 'new responsibilities' they are supposed to be in to justify this pay increase to lvl 3 merit. Anybody know?

The Leads at my DC are doing the same things they been doing.
Leads were never supposed to be in Prod functions anyway, that's not new always been that way. They are the floor eyes and support for the OM. I still don't understand the 'new roles' and 'new responsibilities' they are supposed to be in to justify this pay increase to lvl 3 merit. Anybody know?

The Leads at my DC are doing the same things they been doing.
We're now responsible for entering and adjusting DPM hours, staffing moves, more conversations with TMs, etc. For example, OMs can now enter workday notes based off our conversations with a TM whereas in the past they would have to go have their own follow up conversation before they could enter a note.
Leads were never supposed to be in Prod functions anyway, that's not new always been that way. They are the floor eyes and support for the OM. I still don't understand the 'new roles' and 'new responsibilities' they are supposed to be in to justify this pay increase to lvl 3 merit. Anybody know?

The Leads at my DC are doing the same things they been doing.
LWWs were supposed to be 50% prod.
LWWs were supposed to be 50% prod.
Leads in my departments warehouse/inbound never do/did production work. I talked to one of our leads yesterday and he said when the lead positions first rolled out it was told to him UP TO 25% production not 50%. But he said that that was the initial rollout, once the position got running the OM's quickly saw that there was no need/purpose for them do any production because they had to observe, fill out Gemba board, make staffing adjustments, etc.

He said the only difference now that they've switched to Merit is he can't VLE he has to stay until all team members leave because of DPM hours. They do they exact same things as before outside of that.
Leads in my departments warehouse/inbound never do/did production work. I talked to one of our leads yesterday and he said when the lead positions first rolled out it was told to him UP TO 25% production not 50%. But he said that that was the initial rollout, once the position got running the OM's quickly saw that there was no need/purpose for them do any production because they had to observe, fill out Gemba board, make staffing adjustments, etc.

He said the only difference now that they've switched to Merit is he can't VLE he has to stay until all team members leave because of DPM hours. They do they exact same things as before outside of that.
That tm was incorrect. The Lww role was initially expected to do 50% prod. If that happened or not is another story.
This. Even leads at stores do a lot of prod work still (or at least used to). The LWWs are essentially now just the old version of an OM.
Which is fine, as long as they are held to that standard. i assume an OM that gives you the death state and basically says “I won’t help you” wouldn’t remain at Target for long. But a few leads in our building have gotten away with as much for months, and now that they are the highest paid merits, that shit needs to stop.
Which is fine, as long as they are held to that standard. i assume an OM that gives you the death state and basically says “I won’t help you” wouldn’t remain at Target for long. But a few leads in our building have gotten away with as much for months, and now that they are the highest paid merits, that shit needs to stop.
Are you kidding? Those are the ones that are promoted! (Sarcasm).
That tm was incorrect. The Lww role was initially expected to do 50% prod. If that happened or not is another story.
Yep, At least in my building/dept it never was adhered to at all though. They did almost no prod from day one. Now it's just official I guess. There was a couple wild days early on where maybe a lead was forced to jump into carton air or packing or something mid-shift in an emergency. Didn't last long though.

One thing I've noticed/heard from leads though is they are treated like peons when they work OT, which may be mandatory OT. I've heard some crying about how they are just put in CA or whatever. Personally I love it, take them down a peg. I also feel like keys like to "punish" OT higher ups on other keys, kinda like "you may be important where you come from but you aint nobody here" type of mentality.

Anybody know if any of that stuff changes? Are LWW's still subject to mandatory OT like regular employees, and would they be treated as regular WW on the other keys? Just wondering.

Are you kidding? Those are the ones that are promoted! (Sarcasm).

Yep. Once I heard the phrase about big $ CEO's "failing upwards". A CEO can ruin a company, get a golden parachute, them get put in charge of an even bigger company. I love to apply it to Target, So many people that do a bad job, get promoted. we know why though.
Yep. Once I heard the phrase about big $ CEO's "failing upwards". A CEO can ruin a company, get a golden parachute, them get put in charge of an even bigger company. I love to apply it to Target, So many people that do a bad job, get promoted. we know why though.
Yep, At least in my building/dept it never was adhered to at all though. They did almost no prod from day one. Now it's just official I guess. There was a couple wild days early on where maybe a lead was forced to jump into carton air or packing or something mid-shift in an emergency. Didn't last long though.

One thing I've noticed/heard from leads though is they are treated like peons when they work OT, which may be mandatory OT. I've heard some crying about how they are just put in CA or whatever. Personally I love it, take them down a peg. I also feel like keys like to "punish" OT higher ups on other keys, kinda like "you may be important where you come from but you aint nobody here" type of mentality.

Anybody know if any of that stuff changes? Are LWW's still subject to mandatory OT like regular employees, and would they be treated as regular WW on the other keys? Just wondering.

Yep. Once I heard the phrase about big $ CEO's "failing upwards". A CEO can ruin a company, get a golden parachute, them get put in charge of an even bigger company. I love to apply it to Target, So many people that do a bad job, get promoted. we know why though.
They would only be mandated/allowed ot under extreme circumstances, ie Lww and backup are out. They are not exempt from mandatory flex down either.