Archived New ETL Logistics

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Nov 12, 2014
Hey everyone!

I'm starting business college next Monday. I'm SO excited and a little nervous. Initially I was told that logistics might not be for me starting, however it turns out that's what I will be doing. I hear it is the most difficult yet most rewarding. What advice do you all have as far as what to expect, what the team members like and or expect of their ETL and what has made you successful.

Thank you so much :)
Welcome to The Break Room! The ETL-Log experience can vary depending on when the store gets its trucks (i.e. overnight is drastically different from an ultra-low-volume store with a 7:30AM process).
Initially I was told that logistics might not be for me starting, however it turns out that's what I will be doing.

This is a recipe for disaster. Basically Target said you're not really cut out for this position, but instead of setting you up for success we're going to put you in the highest turnover position we have. It will make a difference if you are overnight (high volume) or 7am (ULV).

If you don't mind me asking, what is your employment history or experience coming into ETL-LOG? And please don't say college degree. Feel free to PM me with the answer or any questions. I was an ETL-LOG for a high volume, multi-level store. ETL-Logs tend to stick together in the district since the position is the red-headed step child of the company.

Welcome to Target!
Thank you to everyone who replied.

I will be at an overnight store.

I said I wanted to go where the challenge was I beileve that's why they hired me for logistics, but initially they did say it was a challenge and a lot to walk into.

I've been in management for a little under four years. Three with a major rental car company with experience at a high volume airport and only experience at flagship locations with the same hours as Target if not more and one year for a major coffee company which was also high volume.
Thank you to everyone who replied.

I will be at an overnight store.

I said I wanted to go where the challenge was I beileve that's why they hired me for logistics, but initially they did say it was a challenge and a lot to walk into.

I've been in management for a little under four years. Three with a major rental car company with experience at a high volume airport and only experience at flagship locations with the same hours as Target if not more and one year for a major coffee company which was also high volume.
You'll do fine
Well, the fact that you said that you want to create the best environment for your team...speaks volumes :). Listen to your team seek their feedback , concerns, suggestions etc. For the most past if you treat your team well...they will respect you and work harder for you. Remember. most of your success ( or failure) as a etl/log lies in your teams hands.
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