No set schedules again?

Jul 22, 2014
Saw a post on reddit spot is going back to non set schedules given the death of DBOs. From what they said it will be left to the computer to schedule and etls, sd, etc wony be fixing it to fit like before. Which explains the obsessive chasing of etls and hr to get peoples availability updated. Just curious if anyone else has heard how this will go down?

Edit: sorry for the typos my phone is garbage
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Not exactly, from what I have heard. Your leaders can still enter "set schedules" in mytime, but yes, there will be autogenerated shifts too.

I don't think it is about the the end of dbos. I think a lot of stores are scheduling to the team member, not to the business. The autogenerated shifts will follow business needs more accurately. That's the theory anyhow.
Not exactly, from what I have heard. Your leaders can still enter "set schedules" in mytime, but yes, there will be autogenerated shifts too.

I don't think it is about the the end of dbos. I think a lot of stores are scheduling to the team member, not to the business. The autogenerated shifts will follow business needs more accurately. That's the theory anyhow.
Don't the schedules already auto-generate?
I think they do auto generate and then the leaders fix it according to how they want or how we want . Once my leader forgot to fix it and my schedule looked crazy like one day I start at 8am and next day at 11am and so on . But he later fixed it for me . I don’t think auto generated shifts would work out well . I like consistency in my schedule .
Schedules are supposed to auto-generate based on workcenters, availability, and available data trends (# of transactions/hour, # of DUs/hour, etc ). It is not clear how more operational workload is factored in- PC, pogs, working freight to the floor. So like @Yetive said, it is scheduling to the business not to the Team Member or workload necessarily.

It is something that is being tested over the next couple years to attempt to make myTime more intuitive and for leadership to spend less time on the schedule.

Set schedules aren't going away per se, but they are more dependent on workcenter (Starbucks, cafe, inbound, Plano, market to an extent).
Does market TMs in all stores have to work in other departments for some hours daily now ? I’m getting max hours every week now but have to work a couple of hours in a different department/s. So are the case with other TMs in my dept ! It’s not fair as we are having lot of revisions to be done and barely enough people to finish the truck !
Schedules are supposed to auto-generate based on workcenters, availability, and available data trends (# of transactions/hour, # of DUs/hour, etc ). It is not clear how more operational workload is factored in- PC, pogs, working freight to the floor. So like @Yetive said, it is scheduling to the business not to the Team Member or workload necessarily.

It is something that is being tested over the next couple years to attempt to make myTime more intuitive and for leadership to spend less time on the schedule.

Set schedules aren't going away per se, but they are more dependent on workcenter (Starbucks, cafe, inbound, Plano, market to an extent).
I asked for SET START TIME because I got tired of starting at 10:00 AM, 1:30 PM, etc.
My old job auto generated schedules which printed out according to business needs. Then store management went and completely changed it because they didn't want this person or that person to have a certain shift or certain hours. They just went by when the computer said we needed someone and filled in with whoever they wanted. Sounds like Target is headed in the same direction.
Does market TMs in all stores have to work in other departments for some hours daily now ? I’m getting max hours every week now but have to work a couple of hours in a different department/s. So are the case with other TMs in my dept ! It’s not fair as we are having lot of revisions to be done and barely enough people to finish the truck !
Just had this conversation with my market team lead. For our store it depends on her hours for the week. I work in market differing amounts depending on the week. This week it's only once last week it was three shifts.
My old job auto generated schedules which printed out according to business needs. Then store management went and completely changed it because they didn't want this person or that person to have a certain shift or certain hours. They just went by when the computer said we needed someone and filled in with whoever they wanted. Sounds like Target is headed in the same direction.
The way it was explained to us is that the store can only change 10% to fit the store needs, so it's actually supposed to end that and believe me it's needed. My store has been nothing but SD buddies getting all the hours and not doing any work for the last 8 years, We're in a hell of a spot right now....
I'm with @rd123 about liking a consistent schedule. Now, my start time is the same every day and the end time is mostly the same. There have been times in the past when the end time changes a lot and I've actually clocked out an hour early because I was thinking it was a different day.
"Business needs" is one thing, but what about "TM needs"? People have child care, school schedules, other jobs. Employers not taking care of employees in the most basic ways is why union talk rises up. (I'm NOT advocating for unionization at Target, just pointing out that disgruntled workers can lead to that.) A person's work schedule is pretty basic.
Yeah I still work there because of the number of hours I get and my TL/etl consider my needs too if sometimes I want to change the schedule because of an appointment or child care.
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our DBOS are no more.
Yeah so I m sometimes gs, sometimes hba, sometimes price change, sometimes toys....fine with me. If I can't own an area then forget it. Too many lazy s effing up and I feel responsible to fix it...this way clock in clock out. Let the next person deal with the mess. I did my 8. This is what Target has earned from me.
Saw a post on reddit spot is going back to non set schedules given the death of DBOs. From what they said it will be left to the computer to schedule and etls, sd, etc wony be fixing it to fit like before. Which explains the obsessive chasing of etls and hr to get peoples availability updated. Just curious if anyone else has heard how this will go down?

Edit: sorry for the typos my phone is garbage My store never had set scheduled during dbo years.
Saw a post on reddit spot is going back to non set schedules given the death of DBOs. From what they said it will be left to the computer to schedule and etls, sd, etc wony be fixing it to fit like before. Which explains the obsessive chasing of etls and hr to get peoples availability updated. Just curious if anyone else has heard how this will go down?

Edit: sorry for the typos my phone is garbage
My store never had set schedules during dbo years.
Auto-gen messes up my coverage and screws my team members. It doesn't care about their needs or what makes them perform better, and it doesn't know that our team does better with a balanced schedule w/regard to team member experience and skill. It also sometimes schedules people for no hours, and misses desired hours by a mile all the time. It's not an effective system for humans, and its limits are obvious.

I wonder if ChatGPT could write a good one...I might try that.
No one told in our store about this auto gen schedule stuff . I wonder if we really did that or not . I still have same start time and end time for all days , it’s just the hours were slashed heavily 😒
No one told in our store about this auto gen schedule stuff . I wonder if we really did that or not . I still have same start time and end time for all days , it’s just the hours were slashed heavily 😒
In our store they always auto generate a SCO shift that no one ever takes because it is eight hours long.

In the past I believe the store could split it into two shifts so at least you have a TM take part of it.
This auto gen SUCKS all the way around. It's screwing the long-term TM's on hours, screwing the ETLs & TLs on coverage in their departments, and overall making even the best stores look like total garbage.

IMO set schedules for some would be the way to go. Those that want "full time" (yes, I know Target doesn't guarantee FT, hence the quotes) get their 35-40 hours, those that have and need the benefits get their shifts, then cover the grid with random shifts of the part-timers that just want 10-15. For the most part, that is going to be the high school kids in the store. In ours, they only want MAYBE 3 days, 4 hour shifts at a pop. Even then they're all trying to give up a day. They're now all about to quit because of over-scheduling, so there goes our night coverage.

Auto gen for the schedules is truly the DUMBEST thing Target has ever done in terms of store operation. And that is saying a lot because they've done some really stupid crap, especially lately.
This auto gen SUCKS all the way around. It's screwing the long-term TM's on hours, screwing the ETLs & TLs on coverage in their departments, and overall making even the best stores look like total garbage.

IMO set schedules for some would be the way to go. Those that want "full time" (yes, I know Target doesn't guarantee FT, hence the quotes) get their 35-40 hours, those that have and need the benefits get their shifts
If a tm is qualified and signed up for benefits, they should, at minimum, be scheduled enough hours to cover those deductions from their paycheck... that may or may not actually happen
If a tm is qualified and signed up for benefits, they should, at minimum, be scheduled enough hours to cover those deductions from their paycheck... that may or may not actually happen
I thought the minimum for benefits (i.e. health insurance) was 25 now?

If so it makes it more likely to for Target to cut hours for that individual.
I thought the minimum for benefits (i.e. health insurance) was 25 now?

If so it makes it more likely to for Target to cut hours for that individual.
My point is that Target is putting TM's that have deductions made from their paychecks at risk of not being able to make the payments for those benefits and having to find a way to pay them if the hours are cut significantly.
My point is that Target is putting TM's that have deductions made from their paychecks at risk of not being able to make the payments for those benefits and having to find a way to pay them if the hours are cut significantly.
Yes. You do retain your current benefits until the next open-enrollment cycle, even if you are cut below 25 hrs/wk. But two problems come out of this. The first which you mentioned is that with fewer hours, the benefits deductions swallow up a higher percentage of your paycheck so your take-home net pay is cut big-time. The second is if at the end of December, when they look at your average weekly hours worked per week over the prior 52 weeks, if your hours have been cut so much that your "new" open-enrollment average is less than 25 hours, you will lose some of your benefits at the end of March. This is probably TMI but am trying to get across the point.
I talked to my etl about my hours been cut for next week which is an all time low for me . He told its just that the hours were less for that week and will try to give some more hours to make it 30+ . Let’s see .