Archived Orientation email

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Jul 12, 2014
Hello I received an email telling me my orientation date but at the end it said Please disregard this email is that normal or should I call them?
I would call. Corp sends emails but stores usually go by their own date.
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
Always ignore the email and wait for a call. The email is automatically generated by JAS (the hiring system) and has no relevance to the actual orientation date/time.
This happened to me but I would call, sometimes they take a while to call on their own but once you show you are fully committed they will want you to get started as soon as possible.
As others have said, ignore the e-mail. HR may not be ready for you to go through orientation yet (they prefer to have more TMs in each orientation), so they would contact you when they have a date.
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