Archived Potential ETL log

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May 27, 2015
Hey everyone, I've been a lurker for a long time now, and I successfully jumped through all the hoops to finally get an offer as an ETL in the pacific northwest. I got a call from someone in HR telling me that we would talk soon about the details, and I was wondering what the going salary for this position would be. Some background: recent college grad without any retail experience :oops:... 4 years working experience in college though and business background.

Anyhow, they're accommodating my move from California (in that I originally applied for a position in CA, but changed my mind to the PNW right before my DTL interview and they were willing to help!), so I'm not sure if I should even try to negotiate my salary or terms, but I was just wondering what I should be expecting. Also, does Target ever provide any relocation assistance?

I've read most of the stickies and some stories, so I'm expecting an offer around 50k, but has anyone ever been offered less and negotiated up, or vice versa?
Ah, yeah, I read that as well... I'm just hoping for the best right now! Do you have any advice in regards to the HR call I'm expecting? Is there much of a negotiation or do I just take whatever's given?
What do you have to use for negotiations? Recent college grad with no experience doesn't sound negotiable but rather "A dime a dozen" for Target. It's hard to guess your salary because I don't know the PNW COL and the size of the district you are going to. But with your credentials and basic understanding of Target salary standards I would expect $50-$58k. If you are hired as a LOG then expect the higher end of $50Ks. If you had some experience I would say $58-$72K to start- which is the starting salary here (DMV). For Log, especially overnight and high volume, I wouldn't take less than $60K.

With that, you can negotiate if you want. It can be hit or miss but usually they have the salary set for a reason. But it's always worth a shot.

I moved from TX to DC for Target. No relocation expenses were paid. If you were hired at corporate they might pay relocation.

They pay travel to attended BC classes but not for travel to the store. My district was huge so it could take 45-2hr to get to a store. You may not know what store you're assigned to until the end of BC (6 weeks).

As for layoffs - the current round is focusing on Corporate positions. However, I feel that if they don't get the results they want they'll come back to the stores. In the past 10 years they cut TM positions, then a round of TLs, then they thinned out district jobs while I was with Target, after I left they started thinning down ETLs and now they are cutting some corporate jobs. Also the DCs are getting hit.
Thanks for the detailed response! I ended up taking the offer of 58k. No relocation assistance, but I wasn't expecting any. The rep also told me that after bc I'd be placed at a store depending on where I choose to live... How far can they force me to commute?
Thanks for the detailed response! I ended up taking the offer of 58k. No relocation assistance, but I wasn't expecting any. The rep also told me that after bc I'd be placed at a store depending on where I choose to live... How far can they force me to commute?
I have heard up to 2 hours each way every day for 1 etl.
They can honestly expect you to drive 4 hours a day with no compensation? That's balls. And why are they talking in terms of time and not mileage? A 2 hour drive in Wyoming is not the same distance as a 2 hour drive in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex.
My trainer drove 2 hours each way. I was 1 hr away if I didn't take the toll road or 30 min if I took the toll. The toll was $100 a month with no reimbursement.

They'll place you where they need you, not where it's convenient. Most of our district was close together except 3 stores that were well out of the DMV area.
Wow, that's kinda ridiculous. Is there also a thread on the hours that I'd potentially be working? In terms of night/day moreso than weekly hours, as I understand I'll be trying to make the 50 hour mark to get my full salary. I'm under the impression that I'll be working overnight shifts, but does that depend entirely on the store?

Thanks for all of the helpful insights!
If you are overnight then you'll work from 9:30pm to at least 7:30am for the morning walk. You'll do this 5 days a week or if you are lucky 4 days. Unloads tend to start at 10:30pm but it depends on the store. You're usually there an hour before to set up.

I spent many days working 9:30pm-10am or longer. But we only worked 4 shifts a week overnight ( 4 12hr shifts). Eventually I was doing 4 8-10hr shifts but that's because the team got better.

If my Replen wanted vacation then I had to cover his days off. So that could be 14 straight days sometimes.
They can honestly expect you to drive 4 hours a day with no compensation? That's balls. And why are they talking in terms of time and not mileage? A 2 hour drive in Wyoming is not the same distance as a 2 hour drive in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex.
Have you seen the speed limits in Texas, 2 hours goes a long way :p
If youre in Washington ETLs start around 60k. Idaho and Oregon 58 sounds right.
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