Archived Shopping on break; 15 vs 30

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Sep 7, 2014
So, in my store it is absolutely not permitted to purchase anything except food while on your 15 as I am told that is considered shopping while on the clock and grounds for term. You are permitted to purchase anything at all while on your 30 (meal break) as you are off the clock. As is typical for Spot, I know of other stores that operate differently and allow any purchase you like on any break. Can anyone comment on what is actually permitted?
as long as you are on your 15 mins thats ok. But you better have called it out on the walkie, cause then you are sured that others have heard that you are on your 15 mins.
So, in my store it is absolutely not permitted to purchase anything except food while on your 15 as I am told that is considered shopping while on the clock and grounds for term. You are permitted to purchase anything at all while on your 30 (meal break) as you are off the clock. As is typical for Spot, I know of other stores that operate differently and allow any purchase you like on any break. Can anyone comment on what is actually permitted?

Total bullshit. You toss on a hoodie and ditch your equipment and don't go over your time, you break is paid yes, but you are not permitted to work. I keep my shop simple, paper plates I use for cat food and coffee, stuff you can just grab as you walk by. I save anything that I have to think about for after work.

Now we do get told during busy times or with big video game or movie releases be sure you cover up so guests don't get bitchy and complain. Which even when I have been shopping on my day off have bitched at cause I would not help them, cause they knew I worked there. My black shirt and husband didn't seem to get the point across that I was not working.

I also remind newbies bring a hoodie, ditch the name tag and equipment while not working in the store.
I've never been told we could only buy food on our 15's, just that we can't leave store property.
My 15 doesn't start until i buy I want and walk to the breakroom
No it starts when you stop working or are relieved.
How is that defined then? Electronics at my store is almost at the furthest point possible from the door to TSC and it is not uncommon to be relieved and still not make my way past guests wanting help (because of all those TMs available to provide it - NOT) for another 5-10 minutes. As far as I am concerned break starts when I finally get to TSC but I have heard others saying that's not correct. Comments are welcome!
Break starts when you pass the time clock in the TSC. The only exception to this is if you are shopping along the way...then it starts when you head off to go grab something off the shelf.

At our store, we are allowed to shop on our 15 minute breaks, but like Bosch, I won't do any heavy shopping. I have a few cashiers who I wish wouldn't shop on their 15, because it always takes them more than 15 minutes and it's a hassle to either have them taking long breaks while we wait for them to check out or we have to put up with having their stuff stashed around the front end while they either wait to by it or while they think about buying it (even worse).
Electronics was at the back of my store, and I always checked my watch as I was leaving electronics. Made sure I was on the floor (starting service loop) 15 mins later
My 15 doesn't start until i buy I want and walk to the breakroom
No it starts when you stop working or are relieved.
not for my flow team it isn't. we're suppose to take our first 15 at 9:00 but we usually buy food on the way to standout in front in the store, we usually don't go back until 9:21 or something so yeah, my break doesn't start until i buy what i want and make it to the back hehe
If I need to buy something, my break starts when I leave the register. If I get stopped I figure it's par for the course as I'm a bullseye in my red and khaki. Oh well. I try to carry money and/or my phone in my hand but I feel sorry for people who are looking for something so I try and offer help...if I'm not starving to death. lol
If I'm heading to TMSC to get my snack then it starts when I get in there. We have to walk past the makeup, hair products, Pharmacy, where there's always lost guests searching for "something they saw on TV...or a magazine".
We can buy whatever we want on our 15.'d better not come back and immediately have to take a bathroom break. GSTL is not happy with that and with good reason.
I call BS on your store's rules on the 15 min break. I'd check my handbook for that but mine's from 2006. haha
I actually make sure I use the bathroom either right before or right after my 30. It's against the law to be penelized for a reasonable bathroom break and they can't make you clock out for it so you might as well take it to your advantage which when you're on the clock
I'm not sure it's considered reasonable since you just got back or are going on your lunch.
I actually make sure I use the bathroom either right before or right after my 30. It's against the law to be penelized for a reasonable bathroom break and they can't make you clock out for it so you might as well take it to your advantage which when you're on the clock

Yeah, you'd get told to clock out after that bathroom break and stay off the clock permanently for that at our store. And I'd applaud the LOD for terming your ass for it.

Lazy sods like you are the reason everyone else has to work their ass off.
I've never been told we could only buy food on our 15's, just that we can't leave store property.

Does outside the doors to smoke still count as store property? I know quite a few people at my store who would be pissed if they couldn't smoke.
Yeah, you'd get told to clock out after that bathroom break and stay off the clock permanently for that at our store. And I'd applaud the LOD for terming your ass for it.

Lazy sods like you are the reason everyone else has to work their ass off.

Preach it.

I'm glad my store lets you buy anything on your 15. For example, I was doing some shopping and I bought a TV and a Wii U on my break once. I'd been saving up for a while :D
If I need to buy something, my break starts when I leave the register. If I get stopped I figure it's par for the course as I'm a bullseye in my red and khaki. Oh well. I try to carry money and/or my phone in my hand but I feel sorry for people who are looking for something so I try and offer help...if I'm not starving to death. lol

If I were your TL, I would be talking to you about breaks. Your break starts when you say you're going to break, not when you're done buying whatever you're buying. That's why people end up taking 20-25 minute breaks on a regular basis (and productivity suffers).
I'm glad my store lets you buy anything on your 15. For example, I was doing some shopping and I bought a TV and a Wii U on my break once. I'd been saving up for a while :D

Our store not only lets us buy anything, they let us leave. I suppose if I asked if I was allowed they might acknowledge that we're not supposed to, but I do so, every day, have never been told not to, and often eat the food I bring back in the break room while sitting next to whatever ETL is currently in there.
Our store not only lets us buy anything, they let us leave. I suppose if I asked if I was allowed they might acknowledge that we're not supposed to, but I do so, every day, have never been told not to, and often eat the food I bring back in the break room while sitting next to whatever ETL is currently in there.

Yeah they let us leave too (thank god)
I actually make sure I use the bathroom either right before or right after my 30. It's against the law to be penelized for a reasonable bathroom break and they can't make you clock out for it so you might as well take it to your advantage which when you're on the clock

Yeah, you'd get told to clock out after that bathroom break and stay off the clock permanently for that at our store. And I'd applaud the LOD for terming your ass for it.

Lazy sods like you are the reason everyone else has to work their ass off.
Sorry mate, it's within my legal right to use the bathroom whenever I please. Your store would be in a huge lawsuit for that so no, they wouldn't tell me that lol
I find it incredibly sad that there are people who never ever take a break. Just a lunch. But Spot doesn't care about that. So, I figure if I take a longer break once in a while, it evens it out for Spot. Those people can feel like martyrs, getting nowhere, while I take an extra 5 or ten, getting nowhere. My former pog/pricing tl NEVER took a break. He busted his ass week after week. I told him many times that Spot won't reward you for not taking breaks. Guess who finally had enough and stepped down last September? All those hours he worked for free.
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