Archived So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
Some of my friends here already know that Spot and I parted ways last week.
Folks might have noticed a few cryptic posts lately and guessed something was going on.
I can't go into too many details but it seemed uncool to let folks here keep thinking I was still working for the company.

To make a long story very short I have epilepsy, something the ETLs knew about since I started working there and accommodated, but a newly promoted STL and ETL team couldn't deal with that and performanced me out.
I have never been written up for performance before this and even been a top performer.
I'm working with the Epilepsy Society, The Disability Law Center, and Division of Civil Rights.
The lawyer feels I have a strong case.
My only hope is to make sure they never do this to someone like me again.
Thanks Hardlinesmaster.
As frustrating and depressing as this whole thing has been, the one bright note has been knowing that you, the other friends here and the TMs at work have my back.
Hang in there man. I worked with a few TMs who were epileptic. And I, myself, had a childhood condition of stress related seizures. You are doing the right thing to go after them.
Making a little lemonade here....
You'll have a little time to finsh getting the tree out of your garage that Sandy so thoughtfully left, a little time to enjoy having the dog-shaped monkey off your back, an opportunity to dust off your mettle & give them a fight they'll be sorry they started.
Be sure & keep us posted, old friend.
We ALL love a good fight.
I'm sorry to hear that this has happened to you. I hope everything goes well for you. Though I'm sure you and your legal counsel will send them running with their tails between their legs.
Making a little lemonade here....
You'll have a little time to finsh getting the tree out of your garage that Sandy so thoughtfully left, a little time to enjoy having the dog-shaped monkey off your back, an opportunity to dust off your mettle & give them a fight they'll be sorry they started.
Be sure & keep us posted, old friend.
We ALL love a good fight.

Thanks redeye, love the lemonade.

My first update is a nice little note I received from the unemployment office informing me that there is going to be a Claims Examiner Interview.
Seems Spot has suggested that I have been separated for misconduct in connection with my work.
I can't even find the words to say what I'm thinking right now.
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It is suggested to review your ca & final closely. Also, all the gtc's or awards you may gotten over the years.

Annie, commie needs your help!
Commie, pm Annie too. She knows trade secrets.
Firstly, I am so sorry that all this has happened to you-I've enjoyed reading your posts as well, and even though all I know of you are words on a screen, it still seems hard to believe that you would actually get termed behind this kind of nonsense.
Unfortunately, I have no problem believing that corporate America would perpetrate this sort of thing on a person.
That said, it sounds like they knew they were going to have a fight on their hands and are now scrambling to paint you as a bad guy.

Hopefully when all is said and done, not only will you be relieved and happy to have it over with, but maybe somehow it will bring opportunities and possibilities into your life that might not have otherwise been there.

You seem like you're not one to be trifled with-stay strong and give 'em some truly amazing moments to remember...
Hold strong Commie this is one fight you will most definetly win. my best wishes to you and your screwed you over so GIVE'M HELL SON!
Some of my friends here already know that Spot and I parted ways last week.
Folks might have noticed a few cryptic posts lately and guessed something was going on.
I can't go into too many details but it seemed uncool to let folks here keep thinking I was still working for the company.

To make a long story very short I have epilepsy, something the ETLs knew about since I started working there and accommodated, but a newly promoted STL and ETL team couldn't deal with that and performanced me out.
I have never been written up for performance before this and even been a top performer.
I'm working with the Epilepsy Society, The Disability Law Center, and Division of Civil Rights.
The lawyer feels I have a strong case.
My only hope is to make sure they never do this to someone like me again.

It would be nice to say that this kind of disdain for employees by Target :diablo: Corp. is unusual or shocking but it's not!

I wish you the best of luck with your legal case but more important I wish you a great & happy future without Target in your life! :yes3:
Had my hearing with the unemployment office and Spot (or the third party they hire for this stuff) backed down.
So I'll be getting my benefits after all.
Still fighting to get my job back and for the time being find another one.
This whole situation isn't right and they know it.
Just going to be interesting to see if they will admit it.
Had my hearing with the unemployment office and Spot (or the third party they hire for this stuff) backed down.
So I'll be getting my benefits after all.
Still fighting to get my job back and for the time being find another one.
This whole situation isn't right and they know it.
Just going to be interesting to see if they will admit it.

score one for commie!
Had my hearing with the unemployment office and Spot (or the third party they hire for this stuff) backed down.
So I'll be getting my benefits after all.
Still fighting to get my job back and for the time being find another one.
This whole situation isn't right and they know it.
Just going to be interesting to see if they will admit it.

Very glad to hear that. I've been keeping an eye on this thread and hoping for the best possible outcome for you. Do keep us posted.
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