I'm Lost! Target Café

Sep 15, 2019
I've been with Target for just over two months now working as a GA; much of my schedule consists of being at the service desk, with checkout advocate days sprinkled in here and there. With the schedule for next week, I've noticed that they have me in the café a couple of days with full seven hour shifts. I don't mind being shuffled to where I'm needed, but I do mind not getting any training on the opening and closing expectations, let alone what I need to know throughout my shift as far as food service goes. I've spoken to my TL, HR, and our main FATM. They're trying to help me feel a little more comfortable, but I'm still finding myself overthinking it.

If you have experience in your café, what have you found to be some of the best practices or tips and tricks? Bear in mind that we sell the full the set (pizza, chicken tenders, pretzels, popcorn/caramel corn, fries, icee/fountain drinks), so any advice would be appreciated! My TL will be there for the day that I work so I'm not afraid to utilize her if I need assistance, but I would like to be prepared if possible!
They scheduled you to work in cafe when you've had no training at all? Oy, this company! I love Target but seriously...
Yeah, I'm pretty uncomfortable because of all of the training I'm not getting. I managed to swap one of the three shifts that they gave me, but getting out of the other two seems to be impossible without calling out and that's not really something I'm interested in doing.
I can't believe Target gets its members to covertly train other TMS!
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If they aren't worried about you not having any training or food service certification , I wouldn't worry about it.

Just do what you can.
Op is probably scheduled there to train, because front end is supposed to cover fa/sbux. OP doesn’t want to work in Cafe , so is trying to give away shifts, w,T,f
Being there to train would make sense if anyone else that regularly works the cafe was also there. Like I said, I don't mind doing it if I have the training, but none of our cafe people are there/I'm the only one scheduled over there those days. Thankfully I managed to score some training time today since we were fairly slow, so I'm feeling better about it and looking forward to the challenge.
My former store was notorious in doing the same thing years ago; scheduling TMs with no FC experience or poor performance. I find it poor management skills to just throw a TM into FC without proper training. Last thing the store would want is to have an inspection when a untrained TM is over it.

Tell your TL you need immediate training; shadow FCTMs, look over recipe cards, closing, cleaning, prep, and safety. Especially ask for closing and cleaning hacks.

Depending on your FC's volume, you could have very low traffic or seriously busy all day.
My former store was notorious in doing the same thing years ago; scheduling TMs with no FC experience or poor performance. I find it poor management skills to just throw a TM into FC without proper training. Last thing the store would want is to have an inspection when a untrained TM is over it.

Tell your TL you need immediate training; shadow FCTMs, look over recipe cards, closing, cleaning, prep, and safety. Especially ask for closing and cleaning hacks.

Depending on your FC's volume, you could have very low traffic or seriously busy all day.

Thank you for this! We have a cheat sheet on the fridge for cook times and I was able to observe a full opening. Closing is going to be a little trickier, but I'm hoping that I might be able to get some additional training for that before I'm scheduled. Obviously with today and tomorrow likely being insane, I'm not sure how possible it's going to be, but my TL will be there to help me with the steps/as a second set of eyes.

Some of my FATMs have told me which days are typically more busy than others, so hopefully I'll have a good handle on it and be set up for success.
Rest in Peace Target Cafe, ours is closing on December 31st, soon to be an Alcohol area
I wish they do that to ours I hate that shitty place so much!!!! Also they put in shit avaeue without much training I know your pain. Just look for the recipe guides and ask as many questions as possible to the opener or if there's a mid to know what to do.