Archived Target promoting bullying????

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Former Team Member
Jun 17, 2011
My old TV station I used to work at just posted this news story.


Dozens of students pass through the halls at Peet Junior High School in Cedar Falls, with all different types of clothing. But does the shirt you wear matter?

A shirt stating "Don't Sit With Us" is hitting Target stores and is from the clothing line from the movie "Mean Girls."

Some people see it as just a quote from the movie, while others say it's promoting bullying.

Ninth-grade student Taylor Winkey has seen students wear the shirt, but she doesn't think it's a big deal.

"I don't find it as a direct insult to the majority of people," said Winkey.

Seventh-grade student Noor Afzal thinks differently.

"I would say it's a little offensive with me, because the point is to stop bullying," Afzal said. "I guess that doesn't really help with it."

At Peet Junior High, bullying has been on the decline, say school officials.

An anti-bullying committee is trying to combat negativity, so guidance counselor Becky Lins sees shirts like this is disappointing.

"I think a lot of times they may see as something that's just funny, but maybe as an adult I see it to be a lot more serious," said Lins.

KWWL reached out to Target and this is what one of the representatives says:

"It is never our intent to offend guests with the products we offer, and we take feedback from guests very seriously. We encourage guests to contact guest relations at 1-800-440-0680 to discuss any questions or concerns."
Most definitely. But once a store puts a product like that, its going to get a negative reaction by someone to sensitive to handle such a joke.
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I mean, Target is a family-friendly store. Bullying is a real issue. The people that are going to wear this would be kids. It's not really inherently offensive, I guess. But why would we carry that? It doesn't seem to promote anything positive.

Also, didn't mean girls come out like 10 years ago? Why is there a clothing line now?
jesus it's just a quote from a movie. i guess we shouldn't sell alcohol because alcohol poisoning is a real issue. or sell pills because drug misuse is an issue.

and why the hell do we sell candy and fatty food since obesity is a real issue?
There's nothing really inherently bad about any of those things. Any of those things in moderation are perfectly fine.

I'm not really going to defend people getting upset at the shirt, but I could see why parents of bullied children wouldn't like it. But barcode is right about it fitting in more of a HotTopic theme than anything.

I'm pretty indifferent about it, I just like to be a bit empathetic about things rather than assuming people have no basis for their thoughts/ideas.
Barcode wasn't saying it belonged at Hot Topic, he was saying it was much tamer than what you'd find at a Hot Topic.
I am not offended by it, but in a marketing sense its just a bad idea for merchandise. Someone is going to make a big stink about it.
People aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.

Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't hear a bigger uproar over those anatomically correct animal figures in toys last month.
It must be awful being so stressed out about literally nothing 100% of the time. Like RG said, people aren't happy unless they're being offended by something.
there is so so much more to get upset at Target than some half arsed t-shirt. if that is there biggest beef with spot then we have nothing to worry about. got that mold in the dairy cooler all taken care of, the less than safe way we unload the truck; all better now. hey that nearly incompetent management team in far to many stores? all better.

it is a t-shirt un-russle your jimmies and get back to watching jerry springer and FOX news.

bloody 'ell that rant felt… good.
I am not offended by it, but in a marketing sense its just a bad idea for merchandise. Someone is going to make a big stink about it.

Exactly! Why be so reckless to promote a cheap item that will almost certainly attract a NEGATIVE public response that you will be forced to spend time & money running damage control?

Target needs to be more AWARE of itself & not assume the public will forgive them everything & everything.
If you haven't seen mean girls obviously you wouldn't " get it' the people who are making a fuss haven't seen mean girls and do not understand anything. It is a quote people a quote! Just like say hello to my little friend ( scarface) or any other quote from a movie sheesh...... I got bullied in elementary school am I mad? No.....
If you haven't seen mean girls obviously you wouldn't " get it' the people who are making a fuss haven't seen mean girls and do not understand anything. It is a quote people a quote! Just like say hello to my little friend ( scarface) or any other quote from a movie sheesh...... I got bullied in elementary school am I mad? No.....

Nothing like a Scarface quote.

Scarface is a timeless classic, Mean Girls having a clothing line is absurd, it's a 10 year old movie, that was semi-popular at best, that starred a failed actress-turned-drug-addict, that very few people would purchase a shirt for. It's marketed at young children, children that are too young to have even watched the movie in question because it came out when they were toddlers or babies.

Your quote copout also changes nothing.

Can I send my kid to school with a shirt that says:

"How does a little girl in rural Georgia know that her mother is on her period? "

"When her brother's dick tastes funny."

It's just a quote, nothing to get offended by right?

Wrong? It being a George Carlin quote doesn't make it just funny, not funny and crude and lewd?
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If you haven't seen mean girls obviously you wouldn't " get it' the people who are making a fuss haven't seen mean girls and do not understand anything. It is a quote people a quote! Just like say hello to my little friend ( scarface) or any other quote from a movie sheesh...... I got bullied in elementary school am I mad? No.....

Nothing like a Scarface quote.

Scarface is a timeless classic, Mean Girls having a clothing line is absurd, it's a 10 year old movie, that was semi-popular at best, that starred a failed actress-turned-drug-addict, that very few people would purchase a shirt for. It's marketed at young children, children that are too young to have even watched the movie in question because it came out when they were toddlers or babies.

Your quote copout also changes nothing.

Can I send my kid to school with a shirt that says:

"How does a little girl in rural Georgia know that her mother is on her period? "

"When her brother's dick tastes funny."

It's just a quote, nothing to get offended by right?

Wrong? It being a George Carlin quote doesn't make it just funny, not funny and crude and lewd?

Sorry but your argument is flawed. A shirt that says "You can't sit with us" is hardly inappropriate. Where as a shirt referencing incest and dicks is highly sexual in nature. Don't even try to compare the two.

Mean Girls was a pretty successful movie when it came out, and it was in no way marketed towards adults (even though some enjoyed it), it was mostly geared towards the Middle School / Early High School crowd...

Everyone just stop hating on something that isn't even a big deal. Boo fucking hoo.
I can't prove it for certain but I am pretty certain that isn't a George Carlin quote.
It doesn't have his style.

As do the shirt, funny if you you get the reference but easy to take wrong if you don't.
So of course, enough people are going to be clueless that it's not worth the effort.
Nothing you have to explain, even once is worth the cost.
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