I'm finally home. I had a pretty normal week, but then I had to work both jobs from 7 AM - 11 PM yesterday, open at Target 8-4:30 PM (after staying up til 4 AM finishing some online coursework so that I'd be ready for the week's lecture), and then leave on time to get to my 5:00 PM 3-hoursish lecture class. By the time I needed to leave I was raging. This dumb 17-year old high school age operator knew I fucking had to leave at 4:30. I had a cart of fixtures to put away that I was heading back to do, and kept getting stopped by guests. I was WITH A GUEST when I needed the tag gun to print her a tag for the front lanes for a graphic tee DPCI that I promised her. This bitch (operator) had the audacity to ask me to find an item for her for a guest even though there were three other TMs hanging around the FR not doing anything. I said "I'm with another guest right now, I have to put my stuff away, and I need to go right after." Another TM, "soyaxo how much longer are you gonna be here, can you cover operator so she can leave?" I finished helping my (thankfully polite and patient) guest, helped her guest, said "He's your MyDevice back, I'm NOT staying to cover. I need to go right now." put my stuff away and vented to a beauty TM who walked to the back with me. The opeator announces she's leaving, walks slow as shit up front, and then I see her in clerical as I'm speed-walking to get my stuff and she has the audacity to ask me, "Wow, you're really rushing. Are you running late?". NO FUCKING SHIT HONEY. My class starts at 5:00, it's 4:40, and the campus is thirty minutes away. I don't know how I did it, but I hit all the green lights, managed to sneak in, grab a seat, and the professor and rest of the class simply looked my way but kept going about the lecture normally. Thank god for the beauty TM for letting me vent to her on my way out. She keeps me sane. I know it's kind of my fault signing up for both jobs that are almost always back to back and then choosing an evening class schedule, which was honestly the only one that worked with my schedule. But seriously.
Despite all this, I'm still glad to be back to Target. But I'm tired. Today wasn't the greatest day. I'm off tomorrow and Thursday, thankfully.