Archived TM Development???

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Sep 10, 2014
I was told by an ETL that my name keeps coming up in the TL meetings for "development" but I'm not really sure what this means. I am a hardlines tm and I am pretty well versed in many operations of the store such as salesplanners, 4x4 walks, pulling/back stocking merchandise, flexible fulfillment and I've worked in every area of the store except pharmacy. What more could they possibly train me in and what are they developing me into?!? What does this mean?
You never know, development could mean a promotion/raise as well
Well I didn't get a negative vibe from her when she told me but I guess I could ask. That was a few weeks ago and I haven't been thrown into any new situations. Well besides being the only hardlines tm on floor for 7 hours.
Basically grooming to be a brand tm or if a open is available a tl. Thats how i became signing specialist and before receiving which i gave to another tm because of school schedule. Or cosmetic brand tm which is the worst in my opinion equal to shoe brand tm.
Well I def don't think its cosmetics brand tm because they had a position for that months ago and I was told by my tl that they were looking at me for the position but I never heard anything else about it and I believe they ended up giving the spot to another tm. Hope its not Baby360.
@PugMuffin Now that you mention it... I recall the same thing being said to me back when I originally turned down gstl to stay a pa..

Course I developed by turning my 2 weeks in
Basically grooming to be a brand tm or if a open is available a tl. Thats how i became signing specialist and before receiving which i gave to another tm because of school schedule. Or cosmetic brand tm which is the worst in my opinion equal to shoe brand tm.

cosmetics is easy.
Basically grooming to be a brand tm or if a open is available a tl. Thats how i became signing specialist and before receiving which i gave to another tm because of school schedule. Or cosmetic brand tm which is the worst in my opinion equal to shoe brand tm.

cosmetics is easy.
With a lot of aspirin and remembering

Look at item. See that it is Revlon. Go to Revlon aisle. Match number on item with signing.

Basically grooming to be a brand tm or if a open is available a tl. Thats how i became signing specialist and before receiving which i gave to another tm because of school schedule. Or cosmetic brand tm which is the worst in my opinion equal to shoe brand tm.

cosmetics is easy.
With a lot of aspirin and remembering

Look at item. See that it is Revlon. Go to Revlon aisle. Match number on item with signing.

yeah. I guess you got me there.. But there's a million numbers to match with lol
With a lot of aspirin and remembering

Look at item. See that it is Revlon. Go to Revlon aisle. Match number on item with signing.

yeah. I guess you got me there.. But there's a million numbers to match with lol

Before it wasnt so easy because our pog messed up the whole reset in april and we finally corrected it.

~~~it's supposed to be easy if it's done correctly it's not Target's fault if your team messed it up~~~
unless they didn't give you enough hours
Hours? you mean those things I have to steal from other TM's? I got scheduled 5:15-9:00 today, wound up having someone else leave at 9:00 so I could stay till 10:15 and at least get 5 hours instead of 3.75.
Hours? you mean those things I have to steal from other TM's? I got scheduled 5:15-9:00 today, wound up having someone else leave at 9:00 so I could stay till 10:15 and at least get 5 hours instead of 3.75.

Lol pretty much what everyone has to do this month unless your a high turnover store
Anywho for the OP: you can pretty much voice to the etl you wouldn't mind being developed by do not be expecting too much immediately. Only thing you can expect 100% is them throwing more work upon you and them keeping a closer eye on you to make excuses.
If it's anything like my store, it's a "developing for a TL" Basically they give you "power" over the other TM in your area and you lead huddles and babysit other workers for the same pay.
If it's anything like my store, it's a "developing for a TL" Basically they give you "power" over the other TM in your area and you lead huddles and babysit other workers for the same pay.
We had one TM that was being "developed" to be Brand or a TL and never told anybody so when she started tearing apart the fitting room and completely messing it up without asking for any help or feedback, it created a lot of resentment. She transferred out soon after finishing her fitting room "project."
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