Update and Checking on y’all

Florida Dawg

Former Cart Attendant Pro and Target Employee
Apr 13, 2020
Fellow Current and Former Target Employees,

How are y’all? I been better since I quit this lying and careless company that is portrayed to customers and people as a caring and bright company to work for. I’m not completely happy as a person but I’m better mentally in a way now that I don’t have shit managers trying to screw me over as well as other decent and hardworking employees. From what I have seen the misery dark era of Target is still going across the country where workload is insane, Managers not giving a fuck (most of them), Lots of drama, Massive amounts of people quitting, Depression and the list goes on with no signs of stopping soon. Something that was supposed to be temporary and corporate has done nothing to help as well as whoever is responsible on handling these issues. My advice for y’all looking to quit, Don’t give up on job searching, Don’t do on demand if you do, Make that turnover rate go up who cares about their quotes and get the hell out, Trust me when I say it has made a difference in my life. There might be some good in that company but it’s not worth staying there no matter the store you are at unless you are at one of the lucky ones that functions pretty good for the most part. If you are one of the employees or managers that’s lazy or toxic that’s part of the problem, This post isn’t meant for you. Just wanted to see how you all were doing and if you wanna vent to me, I worked for 2 years and 2 months at Target and I’ve seen alot at my store been through 2 SD’s and 2 ETL’s in my department which the two ETL’s sucked as well as too many to count TL’s across my entire store, Since right before 2021 Holiday Season and every day after almost was the worst I ever been through there and I suffered through a lot as a Cart Attendant and someone who did more than a lot of others up front.

Good luck,

A former employee from North Florida.

P.S. Don’t listen to CartoonPenguin, He’s a fraud on here. Not sure his identity but don’t believe what he says.
I agree with @SigningLady , two years is nothing. Doing good, store FUBAR, wish you luck in future endeavors... but in my long experience in retail is it all sucks and I'm too close to retiring to bother. Target has it's issues (as does Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Home Depot, Lowes, etc) but Spot does the best I've had so far with Healthcare.... Good luck, and don't let 'em get to you... too much
doing great, Thankful for a well paid job, love my team we’re like a family.

I think you should move on. Mentally. From reading your post it looks like you have not gotten closure. Focus on yourself, reflect inward, it does wonders for self growth.
I’ve moved on trust me, I don’t go to my old store often to shop either, I live in a city so I got other options for shopping and other Targets to go to. Unfortunately that place took a toll on me because of what I’ve had to deal with and it caused me some issues mentally even for a guy like me who has mental toughness because of how life has been for me growing up but it was so hard with what I put up with and was dragged into with. I’m more happier now that I’m no longer working there and this lying company. My new job got some bs but it beats dealing with customers and a big workplace with lazy or bad coworkers and managers. I just wanted to tell people who are so pissed off like I was and is tired of everything to keep searching for options and get out while you can, I’ve heard stories and seen the news about Target right now, Things will not be getting better anytime soon there.
2 years and 2 months is a drop in the bucket for all the OGs here on TBR.

But since you asked, I'm doing great. Store is a shit show but I do what I can to help keep the boat afloat.
I gotcha but staying at a job for at least a year is good enough to be loyal, Reality is I would’ve wanted to be more loyal and stay longer if there wasn’t a whole lot of drama and incompetence not just with my store but corporate and the company in general.