Visits need to happen


Dec 9, 2018
My store looks like crap. They need to start doing visits again or change how they are being done virtually. For virtual visits the only thing management worries about are the endcaps. The floor has just quit doing reshop and there are about 18 carts of reshop outside guest service. We are going for the hotel dive lobby look. Carts of reshop are parked throughout the store. Let's not even bring up the back room.... People are working on U-boats all day. If stuff falls on the floor, they don't pick it up. If we can be in the stores every day, so can the higher ups.
Sorry your store had fallen off the deep end.
Post pics on Reddit and target Facebook
I would send it to as many higher ups as possible. I don't know if they even look at these websites but they might if it was sent to them personally through an email. Harder to ignore that way.
I can’t remember if this is possible so someone correct me but I think on Workday you can find your stores district manager and other higher ups in your area and get their email address and try to send photos to them.
It’s ridiculous that people at that level get paid so much more than we do yet can’t even step into stores as if it’s some safety concern. Like come on we’ve all been on the floor this entire pandemic. It really says a lot about COVID-19 when you and your entire team can say you work in RETAIL and haven’t gotten sick once the entire time.
This post IS my attempt to tell a higher up. I won't do anything more that this. I like my hours, My SD would make sure I only got 4 hrs per week as a cart cleaner.
Yeah I agreed Tarshit doesn't like a tattletale. Too bad you don't have a coworker who is leaving that could expose your store for you so you don't get into trouble.
This post IS my attempt to tell a higher up. I won't do anything more that this. I like my hours, My SD would make sure I only got 4 hrs per week as a cart cleaner.
this to the n^th degree. see say something say something. F that. I did say something and said hello to 20 hrs a week for 2 bloody months while the rest of the team was rollin' 40. bite me. unless someone is one literal fire keep the F quiet.

Target at all levels is all about that retribution game and are excellent platinum tier players in that game
My store looks like crap. They need to start doing visits again or change how they are being done virtually. For virtual visits the only thing management worries about are the endcaps. The floor has just quit doing reshop and there are about 18 carts of reshop outside guest service. We are going for the hotel dive lobby look. Carts of reshop are parked throughout the store. Let's not even bring up the back room.... People are working on U-boats all day. If stuff falls on the floor, they don't pick it up. If we can be in the stores every day, so can the higher ups.
Ha! This has been SOP at my store for the last 6 years... Spot don't care as long as they make the money. And you know what your managers will do if thet do schedule a visit? All those carts will be pushed on the empty truck and the door closed until the visit leaves....
Yeah I agreed Tarshit doesn't like a tattletale. Too bad you don't have a coworker who is leaving that could expose your store for you so you don't get into trouble.
Or anonymously send the pictures shortly after someone stops working there, as if they ratted on the way out the door.
Or anonymously send the pictures shortly after someone stops working there, as if they ratted on the way out the door.
if you do that make sure the meta data/EXIF data from the pictures is erased or changed to remove any likelihood that they can get traced back to you. Target will do everything they can to find out who took the pictures if they 'go viral'.
Whatever happened to old school print them out and mail them via snail mail? No data erasing, that would be a very good anonymity, just use the post office on the other side of town (or store's town if not the same as yours) due to postmark.
it would be relatively easy and possibly even legal to get Brother Brian's home/private mailing address.
For better anonymity, have a friend or relative take the pictures of visible stuff for you. While you'd have to take the back room pictures personally, the less chances someone has of seeing you take pictures, the less chance that you will be seen and "coincidence" put together.
Wow. We still get visits, though maybe not as often (I don't work enough to always know). But we also have an SD that prioritizes zone & reshop. Even at our worst I can't imagine that many carts of reshop sitting around or that much of a mess. Your store's INF numbers must be awful. That alone should trigger a visit, I would think.
My store has the occasional 'surprise' visit. The problem is that the people who do visits tend to hit a few stores in an area at once. So whoever is the first stop will send out messages to all other stores in the area. Then it is a rush to make the store look amazing. We had a visit where we had about 10 pallets of crap in the back, so my ETL just put it all on the trailer, closed the door and put a seal on it so looked like a sweep.
The problem is, y'all care too much. You can't care more than management. It will make you crazy.

I used to get worked up over all the crap I saw that was messy, wrong, unprofessional, etc. But I've learned there's nothing I can do about it, so even though I still shake my head at what I see, I try to not let it get to me.