Archived Walked past flow

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I'm just tired of people shitting on flow when it's them that keeps the process running.

Your store would close down without the flow team and while they often overpush bulk items in the wrong spot. It's usually the case that the emtpy item is out. Items don't sell from the back. This is what a lot of Etl log and flow tms stress. If you have four towels and an empty spot for that towel, push it all. No guess is going to see one extra towel and decid to leave.

That's like saying a bald tire is needed by a car. Sure, it is. That doesn't at all mean that it couldn't be replaced with a better, newer tire that's more reliable.
That's like saying a bald tire is needed by a car. Sure, it is. That doesn't at all mean that it couldn't be replaced with a better, newer tire that's more reliable.
Good luck finding fast working tms willing to bend over and take it up the ass for minimum wage at early morning hours
I'm just tired of people shitting on flow when it's them that keeps the process running.

Your store would close down without the flow team and while they often overpush bulk items in the wrong spot. It's usually the case that the emtpy item is out. Items don't sell from the back. This is what a lot of Etl log and flow tms stress. If you have four towels and an empty spot for that towel, push it all. No guess is going to see one extra towel and decid to leave.

Except when its a $20 towel in the $5 spot. And there are ten of them there.. They NOTICE!!!! You just lost the store a wad of cash cause we have to sell them at the wrong price in my state. So by your logic we sold even half, five towels for $25 when they should have been a $100 so you lost $75 by your ""push it out!" Logic..

No thanks, thanks I would rather sell one $20 towel for $20 and none of the $5 ones if it means we don't lose money.
Except when its a $20 towel in the $5 spot. And there are ten of them there.. They NOTICE!!!! You just lost the store a wad of cash cause we have to sell them at the wrong price in my state. So by your logic we sold even half, five towels for $25 when they should have been a $100 so you lost $75 by your ""push it out!" Logic..

No thanks, thanks I would rather sell one $20 towel for $20 and none of the $5 ones if it means we don't lose money.
Lol what store would honor 20$ towels for 5. That shit would of been fixed after the first sale
We have our crazies. Clearance stashing 'guests', team members shopping by putting what they intend to purchase at the bottom of their carts, crazy coupon ladies who look like their trying to clean up a murder scene with 40 cans of GC with Purchase Lysol. The same people everyday with binders full of coupons. Same people basically stalking price accuracy team. I'm like, do these people work? No offense but get a job/life. Who the f*** has time for that anyways? What a waste of time on earth if you ask me. Oh and back room team members shopping on Black Friday. One lady in the BR literally told me as I was doing ad and label maintenance on endcaps and shippers that 'this is when you gotta shop!' Oh yeah. 2 dollar towels. What a deal. :D
Clearance stashing 'guests',
I remember working SF years ago & had just finished zoning tableware.
I walked by a clearance endcap & saw a stack of non-clearance dinner plates sitting there.
I grabbed the stack & put it back where it belonged.
Coming back by with go-backs, I saw the stack BACK on the clearance endcap; put it in its home spot once more & waited.
Saw a lady grab the stack, take it to the endcap & plop it down while looking around; waited 'til she was gone before putting them BACK.
She came BACK for them (could almost hear her GROWLING with anger) & headed toward the clearance endcap where I was waiting with my arms folded.
She stopped in her tracks & began stuttering.
I held out my hands & said "Oh, those don't go HERE because they're NOT clearance. I'll just put those where they BELONG."
I put them back & said "Now, can I help you FIND something?!"
She left.
I was a bit behind on my zone but it was worth it.
we pull our own pogs. Usually myself or one other because we know locu and help the br increase their accuracy
Won't that screw with the "on floor" amounts? Locu doesn't increase the amount of product that the system thinks is on the floor, so when you get more in it will be designated as push since the system thinks the floor is empty.

Flow is transitioning to 4am in a couple weeks at my store. Since a lot of the old flow team is leaving, I wonder if they are gonna train the people they plan to hire on the register. I mean they will be in the store til 12pm... :rolleyes:
Lol Flow will still be expected to be gone by 8am.
Lol what store would honor 20$ towels for 5. That shit would of been fixed after the first sale

State law says the store displays an incorrect price in the customers favor it needs to be honored. And it doesn't matter!

Flow still fucked up wasting time for the cashier and GSTL to deal with it honored or not. And who has to go out and fix it, wasted time and time is money and wasted your flow teams time to stock that shit in the wrong place. You did work but work that didn't need to be done and that is foolish.
Lol what store would honor 20$ towels for 5. That shit would of been fixed after the first sale
Anyone cashiering is given some wiggle room if a guest says it's a lower price. Within $20, we are told to just change it. Anymore than that or multiple items on the higher end of $20 less than the sign EACH, call GSA/GSTL. I'd tell the guest they were placed there by accident and we can't honor that. If they insisted, I'd call a GSA/GSTL over.
Won't that screw with the "on floor" amounts? Locu doesn't increase the amount of product that the system thinks is on the floor, so when you get more in it will be designated as push since the system thinks the floor is empty.

Lol Flow will still be expected to be gone by 8am.
I exit my pog batch then I locu when I can't find the product at the location. Then I sto all the product back into that location. Then go back to my pog batch and it will go to the next location after the previous location. So that means I cleared that location, sto'd it's product back, so if I scan with MyDevice a product at that location it will tell me there is x amount there. It fixes an error without using m delete on the PDA. I have a MyDevice as well as a PDA with me when I pull. Sometimes when I pull it will say take 4 and I'll scan the item's DPCI and it will say there's 4 there when really there is 6. So I can locu then sto then pull with the MyDevice a correct amount needed. Because entering the batch after locu will send me to the next location as I said above. Our brla has gone up since getting rid of the new TM who was screwing up the brla. I'm not really required to locu, but I do it because it helps my fellow br tl and the store in general. I do things to best practice. Always have and always will. However, there are times I've pulled 6 when there is only 4 there, as my ETL log has specifically told me to do that when I was new two years go. I don't anymore because I was ignorant of what locu is. I go above and beyond what the average TM would do, because I choose to. I've even helped people when I've been around in the BR and someone asks, hey I have scanned everything and can't find my product. I did the locu for them because frankly some people don't care to learn it and I'm glad to help anyone who is lost no matter the workcentre. I believe in integrity and lots of good deeds go unnoticed, but I know I did the right thing.
I'm just tired of people shitting on flow when it's them that keeps the process running.

Your store would close down without the flow team and while they often overpush bulk items in the wrong spot. It's usually the case that the emtpy item is out. Items don't sell from the back. This is what a lot of Etl log and flow tms stress. If you have four towels and an empty spot for that towel, push it all. No guess is going to see one extra towel and decid to leave.

It usually starts with the flow team unfortunately. Yes there are stores that have an amazing one and yes there are stores that have a few great flow members in a sea of crappy ones.. Thing is it all starts with the flow team. If they suck then the rest of us carry the burden. I can't tell you how many times sales floor had to pick up the slack while grabbing call buttons,phone calls, doing reshop and doing back up cashier. 9 times out of 10 we have to do pulls on top of flow pulls and then only to find later while zoning all the hidden boxes flow hid through out the store that are either right by where they should have an could have been unloaded or halfway across the store from where it should be. Then half of them are back stock so now the back room has a surprise back stock cart extravaganza at last min.
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Anyone cashiering is given some wiggle room if a guest says it's a lower price. Within $20, we are told to just change it. Anymore than that or multiple items on the higher end of $20 less than the sign EACH, call GSA/GSTL. I'd tell the guest they were placed there by accident and we can't honor that. If they insisted, I'd call a GSA/GSTL over.

But you are still going to have to discount them or something else to keep the guest happy, time wasted and money down the toilet..

And some of us are to the point we refuse to argue with a guest over errors we know flow does on the daily like my example above. $20.00 towel for $5 sure no problem.. Laundry detergent is the other one I know will be wrong straight off the truck, every time..

Cool thing about back up cashiering when those issue come up, I usually scan the item and check it out when I go back on the floor. Last pull time? When they did the unload last night.. Every damn time.. "Hey LOD when this hit the repot this is why."
But you are still going to have to discount them or something else to keep the guest happy, time wasted and money down the toilet..

And some of us are to the point we refuse to argue with a guest over errors we know flow does on the daily like my example above. $20.00 towel for $5 sure no problem.. Laundry detergent is the other one I know will be wrong straight off the truck, every time..

Cool thing about back up cashiering when those issue come up, I usually scan the item and check it out when I go back on the floor. Last pull time? When they did the unload last night.. Every damn time.. "Hey LOD when this hit the repot this is why."

Forgot about all that too. We are forever finding stuff put out wrong and having to fix it and argue with guests about the prices.
Good luck finding fast working tms willing to bend over and take it up the ass for minimum wage at early morning hours
We just shifted from 4am to 6am. My seasonal that came on because of the 4am time are now looking into other employment opportunities. They'd sell their souls to keep 4am. Missed it by led than a million to jump org charts.

But yes. I have amazing flow tm. I have crappy ones. It sucks the effort out of the former to watch the latter do crap all day. Why try if nobody even gives you a pat on the head? Bring back too much and the dayside brtm bitches. Take too long and flowtl bitches. You can't win. But you are the cog that keeps the machine running. And if your foundation is bulk upon sand and not stone eventually the whole thing comes down.
I have a problem with my team members spending their time unflowing things that are grossly overstocked, put in the wrong spots, and often damaged.


I spent 6 out of my 8.5 hours today fixing my cosmetics department after Flow pushed 4 carts of product out onto any hook they could find, even if it wasn't the right brand. "Oh, here's an empty hook in Neutrogena? I think I'll stick some Maybelline on there."

And then I always hear from the executives who claim that flow did so much that I shouldn't need that much time to get it organized. Yeah, they did TOO MUCH. Sometimes I wish they'd just let me push my own stuff. Just unload the truck, and put the boxes of cosmetics on a tub for me to get to when I come in. I'm sick of overpushed products in the wrong locations and products getting put out still wrapped up in multipack wrapper that say in bold letters to not put on the floor like that.
I'm just tired of people shitting on flow when it's them that keeps the process running.

Your store would close down without the flow team and while they often overpush bulk items in the wrong spot. It's usually the case that the emtpy item is out. Items don't sell from the back. This is what a lot of Etl log and flow tms stress. If you have four towels and an empty spot for that towel, push it all. No guess is going to see one extra towel and decid to leave.

Flexing over an "out" like that is actually an awful thing to do unless it is a true out and discontinued. People are far less likely to notice and scan it as an out if there is something there and then it literally sits in the back when/if it is in the store for potentially weeks. It may be an empty space because SFQ is simply wrong because someone burned a batch, something was backstocked "by accident" etc.
Overpushing also leads to even more overpush. Capacity = 3, 4 towels pushed out = 1 extra. 2 Sell, SFQ says there is 1/3 so another 4 come out. Now SFQ = 3 and there are 5, etc, etc. That is sales floor and flow together though, typically.

I have a problem with my team members spending their time unflowing things that are grossly overstocked, put in the wrong spots, and often damaged.
Every day I do market RIGs from the tasklist I generally end up with a very, very full cart of backstock from flow overpush, even after leaving a lot of it on the shelf since I just don't have the time.
I'm just tired of people shitting on flow when it's them that keeps the process running.

Your store would close down without the flow team and while they often overpush bulk items in the wrong spot. It's usually the case that the emtpy item is out. Items don't sell from the back. This is what a lot of Etl log and flow tms stress. If you have four towels and an empty spot for that towel, push it all. No guess is going to see one extra towel and decid to leave.
as an instock team member, i highly stress you not do that... especially if the counts on that empty location is incorrect. we have to scan large sections of the store, so if we don't see empties, we might not scan unless we know its wrong. you flexing stuff in all willy nilly isn't actually helping at all.
Every day I do market RIGs from the tasklist I generally end up with a very, very full cart of backstock from flow overpush, even after leaving a lot of it on the shelf since I just don't have the time.
soooo much yogurt overstock!!!! also whats up with the drastic increase in yogurt rigs?
I exit my pog batch then I locu when I can't find the product at the location. Then I sto all the product back into that location. Then go back to my pog batch and it will go to the next location after the previous location. So that means I cleared that location, sto'd it's product back, so if I scan with MyDevice a product at that location it will tell me there is x amount there. It fixes an error without using m delete on the PDA. I have a MyDevice as well as a PDA with me when I pull. Sometimes when I pull it will say take 4 and I'll scan the item's DPCI and it will say there's 4 there when really there is 6. So I can locu then sto then pull with the MyDevice a correct amount needed. Because entering the batch after locu will send me to the next location as I said above. Our brla has gone up since getting rid of the new TM who was screwing up the brla. I'm not really required to locu, but I do it because it helps my fellow br tl and the store in general. I do things to best practice. Always have and always will. However, there are times I've pulled 6 when there is only 4 there, as my ETL log has specifically told me to do that when I was new two years go. I don't anymore because I was ignorant of what locu is. I go above and beyond what the average TM would do, because I choose to. I've even helped people when I've been around in the BR and someone asks, hey I have scanned everything and can't find my product. I did the locu for them because frankly some people don't care to learn it and I'm glad to help anyone who is lost no matter the workcentre. I believe in integrity and lots of good deeds go unnoticed, but I know I did the right thing.
My mistake, I thought you were locu-ing entire shelves that had the product you needed for your POG. Our PPTL used to do that before the change to SFQ in certain departments where it made sense.
Supporting the team is every tm job.

I completely agree and it is kind of frustrating with the specialty teams. From my understanding they are supposed to focus on their particular task and let the sales floor team answer phones, call buttons, and whatnot, and I completely understand the point of doing that. If they were answering phone calls and doing other stuff it would be difficult to finish their main task. But if you are one aisle over from a call button and I walkie to say I am at the opposite end of the store or assisting another guest at the moment if would be helpful if they could get that call button. But they often don't offer to help until they are called out by name over the walkie by an LOD.

A guest doesn't walk into a store and see Susie plano tm, Jack the flow tm, or Besty the etl or stl...they see a red shirt .

I once had an instocks team member say over the walkie that a guest needed help in diapers. I responded that I was close and I could help. When I got to the diapers the team member who asked for helped was about ten feet away from the guests in the same aisle just scanning items. From the comments the guests made it sounded like she hadn't attempted to help them and just walkied for someone else to come over.
I completely agree and it is kind of frustrating with the specialty teams. From my understanding they are supposed to focus on their particular task and let the sales floor team answer phones, call buttons, and whatnot, and I completely understand the point of doing that. If they were answering phone calls and doing other stuff it would be difficult to finish their main task. But if you are one aisle over from a call button and I walkie to say I am at the opposite end of the store or assisting another guest at the moment if would be helpful if they could get that call button. But they often don't offer to help until they are called out by name over the walkie by an LOD.

I once had an instocks team member say over the walkie that a guest needed help in diapers. I responded that I was close and I could help. When I got to the diapers the team member who asked for helped was about ten feet away from the guests in the same aisle just scanning items. From the comments the guests made it sounded like she hadn't attempted to help them and just walkied for someone else to come over.
My teams backup, cover breaks, answer phones, etc all day. In fact i covered electronics while pricing in intimates the other day along with a pogtm in stationary. He also covered gs breaks.
I completely agree and it is kind of frustrating with the specialty teams. From my understanding they are supposed to focus on their particular task and let the sales floor team answer phones, call buttons, and whatnot, and I completely understand the point of doing that. If they were answering phone calls and doing other stuff it would be difficult to finish their main task. But if you are one aisle over from a call button and I walkie to say I am at the opposite end of the store or assisting another guest at the moment if would be helpful if they could get that call button. But they often don't offer to help until they are called out by name over the walkie by an LOD.

I once had an instocks team member say over the walkie that a guest needed help in diapers. I responded that I was close and I could help. When I got to the diapers the team member who asked for helped was about ten feet away from the guests in the same aisle just scanning items. From the comments the guests made it sounded like she hadn't attempted to help them and just walkied for someone else to come over.

Nope you help! I do call for softlines cause sometimes you guys know where something that isn't located is or if we still even have an item. Or a language barrier(SL has a couple languages other than Spanish) that come in mighty handy..
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