Archived Who Wants to kill "Alice in Marshmallow World" Commercial

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Perishable Assistant Wizard
Aug 20, 2013

it has to be done, I'm just sick of this commercial already, it has only been on since Nov 1, 2014 but it has been over played.


A little girl goes through the center of the Target logo to find herself in a Marshmallow world where toys have a life of their own. She stumbles upon some toys having a tea party, but the little girl is too big to join. She eats a marshmallow and shrinks down to their size. Some of the guests at the table include Barbie, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and even the Target dog. The little grabs another marshmallow and follows the dog through a tiny door. She finds a size that points to presents. She follows a path to where a gift lays at the end. But of course the gift is guarded by a giant electronic dinosaur. She throws the marshmallow into the dinosaurs mouth, shrinking him down. She gives the dinosaur a triumphant snap and opens the gift. We then cut the little girl sleeping at a table. The whole thing was a happy dream.

please let's start a thread to rid ourselves of "Alice" before Christmas.
It plays on loop on the electronics tvs. I got tired of it halfway through the first time I saw it.
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The first time I saw it I thought it was pretty cool.
I have a Tivo and I don't really watch commercials unless I want to, so I haven't seen it since but I'd imagine it would be wearing with repeated viewing.
Why doesn't Target hire Matthew McConaughey? Have him drive around in a golf cart and talk about why he loves shopping at Target. And how he shops at Target because he likes it.
I miss the back to school least the music in those was ok.

The marshmallow one is annoying, the Idina Menzel one is worse. Still not as annoying as Shakira was...
And this is why I don't watch anything live except sporting events. Then I don't see all the retail crap, just the same commercials for beer, cars, and Viagra on rotation.

Anyone besides me want to kill the push-button music thing in seasonal that plays every song at 487,156,729,523 decibels? I swear I could hear Let It Go from the checklanes and it made me want to tear my hair out throw non-defective iPads into the compactor.
Anyone besides me want to kill the push-button music thing in seasonal that plays every song at 487,156,729,523 decibels? I swear I could hear Let It Go from the checklanes and it made me want to tear my hair out throw non-defective iPads into the compactor.

I do also, I can hear them from half across the store, and it's annoying. Like the police car or fire truck or whatever that goes WEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOOWEEWOO every time a kid hits the button, I always think someone set off a spider wrap or the EAS towers. My store's AP shares the same sentiment.
So you hate the little brat commercial?

Would you rather watch this? Personally, I thought the Head On commercials were hilarious.

If you have the right key - similar to an Allen wrench but not an Allen wrench - you can open the front of the push-button thing and access the volume control inside. At least that's the way they worked in the past - not sure if this years is the same. PTL or SFT may have the key.
If I'm not looking at the TV screen when a commercial comes on, I always know when it's an ad for Macy's or Walmart or JCP, etc. because they repeat the store's name so people will KNOW what is being advertised.

When a Target ad comes on, that's not the case. They ASSume people are WATCHING the screen & they assume people who are actually watching will automatically recognize their logo & then want to watch the jumble of images they flash across the screen. They might look catchy & polished but it's not very smart to assume people know who you are & what you're trying to sell them.

I don't care for Target ads & I find this one terribly annoying.
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I still think this was the best Target commercial ever!

Shop target?

I actually like that this one just shows families enjoying each other. Not an actual ad from Target, but more just like hey...enjoy the things that matter. Also, here's 90s Vince Gill and Trisha Yearwood.
And this is why I don't watch anything live except sporting events. Then I don't see all the retail crap, just the same commercials for beer, cars, and Viagra on rotation.

Anyone besides me want to kill the push-button music thing in seasonal that plays every song at 487,156,729,523 decibels? I swear I could hear Let It Go from the checklanes and it made me want to tear my hair out throw non-defective iPads into the compactor.
Luckily ours isn't super loud. At my store seasonal is laid out at the back of market and I can't start hearing it until a little over halfway through market.
If you have the right key - similar to an Allen wrench but not an Allen wrench - you can open the front of the push-button thing and access the volume control inside. At least that's the way they worked in the past - not sure if this years is the same. PTL or SFT may have the key.

Ours has volume buttons at the bottom, but they don't work. The key thing wouldn't help much in the evening when neither the SFT nor the PTL is present...or ever because communication is terrible at my store.
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