Archived Why would anyone ever call Target for help?

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Aug 14, 2014
As a former (YAY! Have I said that often enough?) Team Lead , I no longer have to deal with the Help(less) Desk; however, as a shopper at Target, I still have to deal with the consumer help line. I received two of four new chipped REDCards last week. I waited patiently and called yesterday to inquire as to when I might receive the others.

First of all, it took three calls to talk to a Team Member because my card number wasn't recognized and the last four of my social weren't recognized. After several attempts, I was disconnected at which point I called back and started punching random numbers.

On third call, I finally got a human, sort of. I explained my concern that perhaps one envelope had gotten lost. She explained in broken English that it was impossible for the cards to have been lost or stolen. "It just does not happen that way." Really? No one has ever had mail stolen? Never? "Please do not worry. Your cards will arrive today." Well, it's already today and the mail has come and I don't have my cards, I foolishly explain. This did not compute. So I thanked her and called another Team Member.

I explained the situation to him who then stated that it was impossible that I had not received all the cards. "It just does not happen that way." Is this a new tag line in customer service? Denying reality in the face of reality?

When I finally convinced him that I in fact had not received all four cards, he explained that the other cards would arrive soon. "We always mail the account holder's cards first, then mail the secondary card holders." This is not true, as I am the account holder. Then he suggested that my cards would arrive "tomorrow at the very latest." When I suggested that perhaps the cards had been stolen or lost, he insisted that "It just does not happen that way because we have trackers on the mail and there is no return mail information on my account." Does it make sense that if the card was stolen that there were be no return mail information on my account? Not to him.

It is now "tomorrow." I did not receive my cards. I give up.

My apologies for the long post, but I think you need to know that what your "guests" go through is no better than what we as Team Members go through every day.
The credit & debit cards are owned by td bank, not spot.
Correction, spot does own the debit cards only.
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@RedMan You'll get them tomorrow. And if not then, then tomorrow's tomorrow. And if not then, then the day after tomorrow's tomorrow, you will receive your cards. I don't believe a human being would have the ability and know-how to break into your mailbox (as the door hinge is quite secure and fullproof), and then find those cards in that massive containment of mail. It simply does not work that way. ;)
Trackers on the mail! That's great, so when they are stolen out of your mailbox, Target will know immediately and the person who stole them can be arrested on the spot. I guess Target has a complete handle on credit card theft now!

Or another scenario would be that the envelope got stuck to another envelope and since there is "no return mail information on my account", the postal workers just stare at the envelope and ponder as to what to do with it since it can't be returned to anyone.
My redcard was sent to the wrong address, but thankfully it was sent back to the sender
and is headed my way. no problems with consumer help line.
In a few months your postal carrier is going to be arrested after someone finds a huge pile of undelivered mail in his/her garage.

@RedMan's mail carrier:

Did you call Saturday or a regular weekday? Yes it makes a difference. Weekend helpdesk are usually so dumb it hurts.
I don't think it matters who owns the credit or debit cards. You still get the uninformed, poorly programmed Target team members when one asks for assistance.
Did you call Saturday or a regular weekday? Yes it makes a difference. Weekend helpdesk are usually so dumb it hurts.
I called on a Friday. Perhaps they were celebrating the weekend early? I don't think Monday will be any better, as they are recovering from the three day celebration. Maybe by Tuesday or Wednesday, they'll be sober enough.
I called on a Friday. Perhaps they were celebrating the weekend early? I don't think Monday will be any better, as they are recovering from the three day celebration. Maybe by Tuesday or Wednesday, they'll be sober enough.

Sorry man, now I know where the craptastic helpdesk team from when my debit card was compromised went after they left the bank.. I was told on a holiday weekend there was nothing they could do as some asshole cleaned out my bank account and I had to go into a branch on Tuesday(holiday weekend). So a $500 problem became a several thousand dollar problem.
I remember the first time I told a guest that we as team members call the exact same number and speak tothe exact same people as they do when it comes to RedCards. He went from angry, to disbelief, to laughing explaining that we must be even more frustrated since everyone with issues comes to us at the Service Desk.

Maybe, just maybe they're a little slow since the chip and pin cards are finally coming out. I got mine this week.
I was told they wouldn't be mailed out until September, so color me surprised I got mine in the mail last Thursday.
I know you're not gonna believe this, but my cards did not come today. I called again. James, in broken English, said, "That's impossible. The cards were mailed on August 11, in separate envelopes, so you should have them."

I don't have them. He then put me on hold, came back and said, "It takes 15 days for the cards to arrive. You will have them by August 26 at the very latest."

He also told me that even if the cards are lost or stolen, no one else can use them because they have to be activated. For years, I worried about stolen credit cards. Now I know I was being foolish.

It does not happen this way, does it?
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@RedMan he's actually right about needing to activate the cards to use them. The thief would need your social security number, usually. Once they're activated, then sure- a thief could use them. But active, ready-to-use credit cards are not sent through the mail, no.
Jill, perhaps they aren't sent through the mail any more. My current REDCard did not need activation. And the last new card I got from US Bank (a couple months ago) only required that I input the 16 digit number and the zip code to which it was mailed. Pretty easy to get if you steal the card in the mail, eh?
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