Archived Work With Diarrhea?

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This thread cracks me UP!
....says the guy who got indignant when his lunch thread got trolled.
There's a reason why I never touch food Ave pizza anymore. Ugh.

For me it's those damn cake pops from Starbucks. Those are SO good but I remember eating two and within 5 minutes I had to run to the restroom to quite literally have the most explosive poop I've ever had. No lie, I had to even bite down on my fist because it was the most unusual pain, but also relief, I've ever felt.

The second time I gave them a shot I also drank a cherry coke with them and imagine the same thing only the color of cherry coke. I legit thought I was going to die because I thought it was blood.

I still eat them and thanks to them I've already lost 5 pounds! Dietitians hate me for knowing this one secret! (I'm kidding but seriously, stay away from them.)
TNPC what are you eating and drinking? Sometimes a food diary and some simple changes can make a huge difference.

Yeah, I've got the diet down pretty good. It's just a matter of putting in the effort of making the right food. What works for me is just eating anything bland and easy to digest. Roasted (peeled) veggies are what I like, and they seem to be safe. I like baked potatoes (not eating the skin) with a little bit of butter and sour cream. Meat and cheese and anything fried is out of the question. Bread is a little iffy too. Despite all that, sometimes I just say "fuck it" and eat whatever I want anyway.

If it's really bad, I usually just don't eat, because I don't like how unpredictable things will digest. Luckily this time it's not THAT bad, it's just annoying and painful to deal with at work.

However, the last few days, I've been eating very little, but for an entirely different reason. The last 2-3 days, I've been getting cramps right bellow my rib cage. Like I'll lean forward, and then I get this shooting pain in my abdomen that goes right through my back. I'm assuming it's either my pancreas or gall bladder. But having an empty stomach seems to get rid of the pain. THIS I'll probably have to go to the doctor for if it doesn't resolve itself. I've never had this symptom during a flare up before. But, it's only been a few days, and it's slowly going away. So I dunno, we'll see what happens. If it becomes a problem, I'll have to go in on my day off or something.
WebMD might give you a better sense of what's going on. Look after yourself the job is challenging enough without gut issues.
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