front end

  1. J

    Soda stream pick up orders

    Recently I’ve been seeing that guests have been doing pick up orders for their soda stream exchanges but when picking up the order it charges them for a brand new one in a box instead of at the exchange rate w the exchange refill ($14.99) apparently it tells them that they have to show me a...
  2. E

    Drive Up ideas

    I have a few ideas for drive up that I think would really help when TMs Scan a cart when preparing an order so another TM can take it and doesn’t have to scan everything again (this would be optional) If they double tap they should get a warning to not do it and wait 3 minutes before the clock...
  3. animalcrossing

    Found this dated (old POS-era) Guest Service handbook

    A few days ago I went over to front end in my store to spider wrap some stuff and I found a Guest Service handbook. Curious, I decided to read it a bit as I had never seen it until that moment and I quickly realized it was quite out of date. While I never got to experience "old POS" (which...
  4. D

    improving DU times

    What do you do to help your team stay green on DU? We are going through a hard time right now. We used to do this in 2 minutes. Now we can't get it done in 3!
  5. KarmaToBurn

    CRC Salvage new program

    Is there a way to find out whether an item without an LP (sticker) should go to the Sakvage or CRC pallet? I've already found a handful of CRC stickers hanging out of my printer at the RevLog desk with no items in sight...
  6. H

    Anything I should know about Cashiering?

    Had a bad experience today cause I didn't know how to ring up a EBT card, had a guest say I was too slow and got really aggravated with me. Most I got from the training was a 5-minute crash course, so I'm wondering if there's anything else I should know that was either covered very briefly or...
  7. T

    Can HR play mind games?

    This isn’t about me. We have a really nice lady about 65 years old and works self checkout. She is great at her job. Always zoning and doing extra. But she is always called into the HR or SD’s office for no real reason. ‘Yesterday HR calls her in and ask her if there is anything she can help...
  8. E

    Why do different stores have different carts?

    Why do different stores have different carts? I know that some stores are using prototypes but why do we have a lot of different carts?
  9. E

    SCO items TM has on their person

    What items does your SCO attendant have on their person when at SCO? At my store it’s Walkie Zebra SCO Keys What they should have as well Magnet key Anything else that the SCO attendant should have?
  10. H

    Sales Floor Watching Merch fly out the door.

    I worked NYD. I was going by the liquor isle and stopped to see a 'guest' take a bottle of whisky off the side cap, stuff it into his coat and turned to me and smiled. Then he just sauntered out the door. The security cap never set off the alarm. My call to O-9 was received and they just said...
  11. E

    Alcohol sale age?

    What’s the age to sell alcohol? I know that there is a minimum (just like pay) that can change based on local laws. Is it Target policy or federal law for the minimum age?
  12. P


    So I used to be a Cart Attendant at the riverhead new York location 5+ years ago and I was fired because when I was working a closed shift one night, I lost one of the walkie talkies and it got ran over by a car then I told my manager whos name was Courtney that I have a mental disability and by...
  13. Anelmi

    Cat and Jack returns

    These Cat and Jack returns are out of hand. Target really needs to draw a line in the sand with this one, I think. We have tons of women coming into the store with bags of old clothing and sometimes a receipt and sometimes not because the policy is not explicit. Today I had one that said "I...
  14. E

    Regular lands as SCO questions

    I have a few questions about turning a regular lane into a SCO lane Is cash back an option? If so does a TM need to deal with that or does the cash drawer open without TM interaction? How does the light work? The SCOs have RGB lights for the TM to see How do you deal with the tool to unlock...
  15. E

    Has anyone used the MyCheckout on a lane with a broken card reader?

    At my store we have at least two lanes with card readers that don’t work. Is it possible to use everything except for the card reader and use the MyCheckouts for card payments? If so can we get a way to attach the card reader to a bungee so they can be removed like at Apple? If not can we just...
  16. ISufferInDriveUp

    Is it possible to switch departments?

    So I know this is probably a common question but I’m not sure. So I’ve been a guest advocate for like 3 months now, and I’m really starting to dislike it to be honest. I’m looking to switch departments, but I don’t really know if this is possible. I know that not all stores are the same, so this...
  17. E

    Regular registers as SCO

    I read somewhere (I think it was on here) that the regular registers can be turned into a SCO with a conveyor belt. Has your store ever done that? If so do they make it card only or how do they handle cash? If not does your store even know it’s an option? Personally I think that it should be...
  18. G

    Setting up NextGen SCOs?

    My store will soon switch over to NextGen Selfcheckout machines and from what I am reading on Workbench, they are going to be banked differently than our current NCR units. I don't want to ask my specific question here in a thread, so can anyone who uses and closes NextGen SCOs in their store...
  19. L

    Question about being a cashier at target

    Hi I work at Target I was just trained on the register, but Im unfamiliar on how to take off all there sensors still I don't know who to ask I don't want it to hold up my line.
  20. S

    Checkout Advocate shift scheduled to end a half hour after close, is this a cash office shift?

    I'm on the app trying to pick up shifts as a style team member. I've done cashier shifts before with no issue, but would it directly specify if it's a cash office/closing registers kind of shift? The shift posted is 6pm-10:30 when the store closes at 10pm and only says checkout advocate. I'm not...